Class News- Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Marc Holbrook and Kim McManus on May 3rd!
- Happy Birthday to April Dixon and Jeff Scott this Tuesday, May 5th!
- If anyone would like to provide breakfast on Sunday, May 17th please e-mail Melissa and let her know.
- Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, May 8th at 6:30 am at the Chick-fil-A on Guilford College Road. All men are welcome!
- Girl's Weekend: May 15-17th! All of the details are being hammered out right now. I will hopefully have an e-mail to you ladies soon with all of the information. Currently, the following people have signed up to come: Priscilla, Kim, Misty, April D., Lauren, Laura, Suzanne, Ashley B., April R., Ashlee W, & Kathy. If I somehow missed your name, or if you would like to come and have not had the chance to sign up, please e-mail me (Melissa) ASAP!
Church/Promoter News
VBS 2009: This year's theme is LifeWay's "Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus" (1 John 4:9).
- 4 year olds through completed 5th graders will meet Monday-Friday, June 22nd-26th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
- Completed 6th graders through 8th graders will meet Monday-Wednesday, June 22nd-24th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Registration is now open and will close on Sunday, June 14th. Complete a Registration card or register online at VBS assistants are needed! If you're interested in serving, please sign up at the VBS depot in the main lobby.
The Magic of David Garrard: "A Great Magic Show for Children of All Ages!" Saturday, May 16th at 10:30am in the CLC. Cost is $1 per person, child or adult (3 and under are free). David has performed on cruise ships and at churches for years. He has served as a Children's Pastor at St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville, KY for over 25 years.
Paid Childcare: We occasionally use paid, screened people for various events requiring provision for preschoolers and elementary children. Additional persons are needed in our pool of workers. Applications can be picked up from Carol McKinney in the church office at 288-3824.
Married Adults
Marriage & Parenting Seminars: Please register with Jennifer Wilson at 288-3824 at least a week before the event. If childcare is needed, please indicate the child's name and age.
- Marriage 201- Purpose for the Journey: May 23rd from 9:00am-12:00pm.
- Parenting 301- The Journey with an Adolescent: June 20th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
National Day of Prayer: Please join us for corporate prayer on Thursday, May 7th from 12:15pm-12:45pm in the Chapel.
Prayer Request: As we look toward September and the beginning of a new church year, our goal is to start 5 new Life Journey Groups!
Golf Tournament: Saturday, June 6th at 9:00am. The cost is $35. Anyone interested should register no later than May 24th with your $35 fee. Contact Jimmy for details.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game: June 12th-14th. Spend an incredible weekend in Baltimore, Maryland and enjoy a baseball game at Camden Yards between the Baltimore Orioles and the Atlanta Braves. The cost is $175 per person for adults and $50 per person for children. Price includes 2 night's lodging, game and transportation on our new bus. Meals are extra! Registration deadline is Sunday, May 10th, with a $25 per person deposit. Contact Jimmy for more details.