Class News- Thanks David, for a great lesson on Sunday!
- Congratulations to Mike and April Rast for becoming members of Lawndale on Sunday!
- Happy Belated Anniversary to Jeff & Kathy Scott and Brandon & April Dixon on Monday, June 1st!
- Happy Anniversary to Jason & Ashley Powles on Saturday, June 7th!
- Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, June 5th at 6:30 at the Chick-fil-A on Guilford College Road. All men are welcome!
- Women's Bible Study: Will meet Thursday, June 11th at 6:45 at Ashlee Wallace's House (for any new-comers, here are the directions... disregard the dates and times as they are from a previous study). We will start the book, The Frazzled Female, by Cindi Wood. All women are welcome!
Church/Promoter News
VBS 2009: This year's theme is LifeWay's "Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus" (1 John 4:9).
- 4 year olds through completed 5th graders will meet Monday-Friday, June 22nd-26th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
- Completed 6th through 8th graders will meet Monday-Wednesday, June 22nd-24th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
- Registration is now open and will close on Sunday, June 14th. Complete a Registration card or register online at VBS assistants are needed! If you're interested in serving, please sign-up at the VBS depot in the main lobby.
- The Summer Study Guides for our LJG are here. If you were not able to pick up a copy this past week, we have extras in our classroom.
Married Adults
ETB Teacher Training: Wednesday, June 3rd at 7:00pm in Room 217. Background issues for the next unit of Galatians will be discussed.
Summer Basketball League: Sign-up sheets are in the LJG folders for classes who want to sponsor a team in this summer's basketball league. The deadline for team entries is June 14th. Games will be played on Monday evenings beginning June 22nd through July 27th. A tournament will be held the first week of August.
Ohio Amish Country Tour: The registration deadline is July 26th with a $50 non-refundable deposit due at that time. Details of this three night trip, hotel accommodations, and itinerary can be picked up outside Jimmy Jackson's office or by calling the church office to speak with Jimmy.
Women's Ministry
Weekly Word for Women: A new study will begin on Wednesday, June 3 from 9:00-10:00; THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF PAUL. We invite all ladies who can join us to meet in the Chapel every Wednesday.
Additional Announcements
Operation Outreach: Meet in Room 216 on Sunday, June 7th at 4:00pm.
Wednesday Supper Reservations: We encourage all of our members who eat Wednesday Night Supper to make a reservation by Noon on Tuesday. If you are on the permanent list, please call the church office or fill out the form or the Sunday bulletin on the weeks that you will NOT be attending. We encourage families whose schedules are less predictable, due to work or other activities, to make a weekly reservation rather than staying on the permanent list. If you are on the permanent list and haven't been attending regularly, please consider calling in each week instead. This will help LBC to remain a good steward of our resources by preparing the proper amount of food without having an excess or shortage. Please inform the church office of your decision by calling 288-3824. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Family Mission Trip: The Baptist State Convention of NC is planning a Family Mission Week at Fort Caswell August 10th-14th. Families will worship and serve together. Area projects include light construction, Bible clubs, food and clothing closets, etc. For more information go to (click on Projects, then Family Foundations) or call 1-800-395-5102 ext. 5626.