Monday, November 30, 2009

Announcements: November 29, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for a great lesson!
  • Ladies - Please let Melissa know if you are planning on participating in the Ladies bible study beginning in January. Please let her know if Monday nights at 6:45 work for you.
  • New Study Guides for the Winter Quarter are now available. If you did not have a chance to pick one up on Sunday, we have plenty of extras in the LJG room! We will start in the new guide on December 6th.
Dinner Schedule for Billy and Priscilla
Nov. 28 - Melissa
Nov. 30 - Laura P.
Dec. 2 - Amanda
Dec. 4 - Misty
Dec. 6 - Monica
Dec. 8 - Ashlee
Dec. 10 - Lauren
Dec. 12 - Kathy
Dec. 13 - April

Church News
Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are available in the church lobby and church website for $5 each. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance.

LifePlus Spring 2010: If you are interested in leading a LifePlus discipleship course and have a topic in mind, please submit a brief outline of that topic on the pink card in your LJG folder to Gary Wade (509-3540) or Curt Dean (288-3824), no later than Sunday, December 6th. Additional cards are available in the church office or from Curt Dean. The 2010 Spring semester of LifePlus will begin on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00pm.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting today, Angel cards are available after each service in the lobby. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st.

Stuffed Toy Collection: The Single Adult Ministry is collecting new and gently used stuffed animals to give to homeless children for Christmas. Bring to the 1st floor collection area by Christmas Eve.

Urban Ministry Collection: Ann Vaughn is collecting toiletry items to fill gift bags for Urban Ministry to give to the homeless for Christmas. Items needed are travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, razors, washcloths, comb and toboggans. Bring to 1st floor collection area no later than Sunday, December 13th.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lesson Overview 11/22/2009

Lesson Overview

Monday, November 23, 2009

Announcements: November 22, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Nathan for another wonderful lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Nathan's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is: Obey God's Word. The background passage for next week is Psalm 119:1-176. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 119:1-16.
  • Congratulations to Billy and Priscilla Martin on the birth of their daughter, Isabelle. Click here for a picture and details. Meal sign-ups will be coming soon!
  • Welcome to Chris and Amanda Elliott, the newest members of our LJG!
  • New Study Guides for the Winter Quarter are now available. If you did not have a chance to pick one up on Sunday, we have plenty of extras in the LJG room! We will start in the new guide on December 6th.
  • If you haven't seen Dr. Joe's interview with News 14, Carolina, click here.
Church News

Feeding of the 5000: We will distribute 1000 boxes to families in our community on Tuesday, November 24th. Each box will contain the food items needed to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for a family of 5.

Operation Christmas Child: If for some reason, you were not able to return your shoebox by November 15th, you may still bring it to the central lobby and the team will deliver them to Boone, NC on November 29th.

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are available in the church lobby and church website for $5 each. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance.

Additional Announcements
LifePlus Spring 2010: If you are interested in leading a LifePlus discipleship course and have a topic in mind, please submit a brief outline of that topic on the pink card in your LJG folder to Gary Wade (509-3540) or Curt Dean (288-3824), no later than Sunday, December 6th. Additional cards are available in the church office or from Curt Dean. The 2010 Spring semester of LifePlus will begin on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00pm.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting today, Angel cards are available after each service in the lobby. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st.

Stuffed Toy Collection: The Single Adult Ministry is collecting new and gently used stuffed animals to give to homeless children for Christmas. Bring to the 1st floor collection area by Christmas Eve.

Urban Ministry Collection: Ann Vaughn is collecting toiletry items to fill gift bags for Urban Ministry to give to the homeless for Christmas. Items needed are travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, razors, washcloths, comb and toboggans. Bring to 1st floor collection area no later than Sunday, December 13th.

Introducing Izzy...

to Billy & Priscilla Martin
on the birth of their daughter
Isabelle Grace Martin

 Born November 22, 2009 at 8:22 pm
6 lbs 10 oz, 19 inches

Monday, November 16, 2009

Announcements: November 15, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Jeremy's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is: Give Thanks. The background passage for next week is Psalm 116:1-19. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 116:1-19.
  • The church is looking for volunteers for The Feeding of the 5000 on Tuesday, November 24th. People are needed to help with security and to help pass out food. If you are interested and are able to help anytime between 11:30am-2:30pm, please call the church office and let them know!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. November 21: Class Social! Click here to see the dinner groups and details. If you would like to come and have not yet signed up, please e-mail Misty or Laura so they can put you in a group!
  2. December 1: Deadline to sign up for Christmas Poinsettias (details below).
  3. December 12 & 13: Greensboro Christmas Spectacular (details below).
Church News

The Feeding of the 5000: We are seeing to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed 5 people per box. We will distribute the boxes to families in our community on Tuesday, November 24th. It isn't too late to donate food: Green Beans (50 oz. can), Yams (40-50 oz. can), & Rice (32 oz. bag)!

Operation Christmas Child: Shoe boxes are due November 15th. However, if for some reason, you were not able to return them on the 15th, you may still bring them to the central lobby and the team will deliver them to Boone, NC on November 29th.

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are available in the church lobby and church website for $5 each. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance.

Additional Announcements
LifePlus Spring 2010: If you are interested in leading a LifePlus discipleship course and have a topic in mind, please submit a brief outline of that topic on the pink card in your LJG folder to Gary Wade (509-3540) or Curt Dean (288-3824), no later than Sunday, December 6th. Additional cards are available in the church office or from Curt Dean. The 2010 Spring semester of LifePlus will begin on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00pm.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting today, Angel cards are available after each service in the lobby. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.   

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st.  

Stuffed Toy Collection: The Single Adult Ministry is collecting new and gently used stuffed animals to give to homeless children for Christmas. Bring to the 1st floor collection area by Christmas Eve.

Urban Ministry Collection: Ann Vaughn is collecting toiletry items to fill gift bags for Urban Ministry to give to the homeless for Christmas. Items needed are travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, razors, washcloths, comb and toboggans. Bring to 1st floor collection area no later than Sunday, December 13th. 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November Social

Progressive Dinner

Saturday, November 21

Meet at your host home at 5:30pm (your host couple will contact you to let you know what to bring).

We will meet at Marc & Lauren Holbrook's at 7:15pm for dessert... bring something yummy!

Jeremy & Misty
(6407 Woodmont Rd. Jamestown)
Nathan & Ashlee
Billy & Priscilla

Greg & Laura
(10 Highland Bluff Ct. Greensboro)
Marc & Lauren
Chris & Amanda

Matt & Melissa
(4913 Riding Ridge Dr. Greensboro)
Brandon & April

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview

Monday, November 9, 2009

Announcements: November 8, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Nathan for another wonderful lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Nathan's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is: Live Righteously. The background passagae for next week is Psalm 112:1-10. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 112:1-10.
  • Welcome to our guest, Mandy Smith! We enjoyed having you with us this morning.
  • Attention Ladies!!! Dinner TONIGHT at Poblano's (on Battleground) at 6:45. All ladies are welcome!
  • This coming Sunday the church is looking to collect bags or rice for The Feeding of the 5000. If you are able, please donate one or several 32 oz. bag(s) or rice. It still isn't too late to donate 50 oz. cans of green beans and 40 oz. cans or yams either! Thank you!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. November 13: Candlelight Coffee (details below)
  2. November 14: Church Workday (details below)
  3. November 15: Deadline to turn in Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child 
  4. November 21: Class Social! Progressive Dinner: We will break into small groups (groups and host homes will be announced soon) and eat dinner at 5:30. Following dinner, we will meet at Maxie B's for dessert at 7:15. If you have not had a chance to sign up, please e-mail Misty or Laura ASAP. Thanks! :)
  5. December 1: Deadline to sign up for Christmas Poinsettias (details below).
  6. December 12 & 13: Greensboro Christmas Spectacular (details below).
Church News

Operation Christmas Child: Be sure to pick up a brochure at the central lobby table and pack one or more gift-filled shoe boxes. Shoe boxes must be returned to the church by November 15th.

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are available in the church lobby and church website for $5 each. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance. 

Additional Announcements

LifePlus Spring 2010: If you are interested in leading a LifePlus discipleship course and have a topic in mind, please submit a brief outline of that topic on the pink card in your LJG folder to Gary Wade (509-3540) or Curt Dean (288-3824), no later than Sunday, December 6th. Additional cards are available in the church office or from Curt Dean. The 2010 Spring semester of LifePlus will begin on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00pm.

The Candlelight Coffee: (Tickets are currently sold out, but you may put your name on a waiting list. If you have extra tickets that will not be used, please call the church office, 288-3824, and return them immediately!) Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm (Please use the Main Lobby Entrance). Women of all ages (6th grade and older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses, and silverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa! Be sure to bring your camera! You may purchase tickets in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting November 2nd, a special "Angel" Christmas tree will be located in the main lobby with the names of children to be adopted. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Church Workday: The Grounds Committee is calling everyone to help spruce up our campus on Saturday, November 14th from 8:30am-11:30am. Please bring your rakes, pruners, shovels, gloves, wheelbarrows or whatever tool you most prefer using.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st. 

Book Fair: The Children's Learning Center will have a book fair in the children's wing on November 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th and 16th from 9:15am-1:15pm. We would love for you to join us in celebrating reading!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Announcements: November 1, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Jeremy's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is Choose Wisely. The background passage for next week is Psalm 1:1-6. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 1:1-6.
  • Happy Birthday to Lauren Holbrook TODAY, November 2nd!
  • If you are able/willing to host a small group dinner or games and dessert at your house for our social on November 21st, please e-mail Misty or Laura to let them know!
  • Next Sunday the church is looking to collect Yams for The Feeding of the 5000. If you are able, please donate one or several 40-50 oz. can(s) of yams. Thank you!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. November 13: Candlelight Coffee (details below)
  2. November 14: Church Workday (details below)
  3. November 15: Deadline to turn in Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child
  4. November 21: Class Social! Progressive dinner... More details and sign-up sheet to come!
  5. December 1: Deadline to sign up for Christmas Poinsettias (details below)
  6. December 12 & 13: Greensboro Christmas Spectacular (details below) 
Church News

Feeding of the 5000: We are seeking to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed 5 people per box. We will distribute the boxes to families in our community on Tuesday, November 24th.
  • November 8th: Yams (40-50 oz. can)
  • November 15: Bag of rice (32 oz.)
Operation Christmas Child: Shoeboxes must be returned to the church by November 15th. We still have a few slots remaining for our trip to process shoeboxes in Boon on November 30-December 2. We will travel to Boone on November 29th. Your reservation deposit of $25 holds your place. Mark your check "Boone Mission Trip" and make it payable to LBC. Your only cost will be a motel rate of $49.99 (up to 4 per room) and your meals. 

Preschool Choir: Join us on Sundays at 5:00pm in Rooms 146 (3s), 148 (4s), and 150 (5K) as we prepare for our Christmas performance!

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are available for $5 each. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance. 

Additional Announcements
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm (pleas use the Main Lobby Entrance). Women of all ages (6th grade and older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses, and silverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa! Be sure to bring your camera! You may purchase tickets in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting November 2nd, a special "Angel" Christmas tree will be located in the main lobby with the names of children to be adopted. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Church Workday: The Grounds Committee is calling everyone to help spruce up our campus on Saturday, November 14th from 8:30am-11:30am. Please bring your rakes, pruners, shovels, gloves, wheelbarrows or whatever tool you most prefer using.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st. 

Book Fair: The Children's Learning Center will have a book fair in the children's wing on November 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th and 16th from 9:15am-1:15pm. We would love for you to join us in celebrating reading!