Sunday, March 28, 2010

Announcements: March 28, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Billy, for another wonderful lesson! The title of next week's lesson is Resurrection Hope. The background passage for next week is Luke 24:1-53. The lesson passages for next week are Luke 24:1-8, 36-49.
  • This coming Sunday (Easter Sunday), is the first Sunday of the month. We will reschedule our monthly Class Lunch for the following Sunday, April 11th. The location has not yet been determined, but will be announced soon! Any suggestions?
  • April 17: Baby Shower honoring Lauren and Marc Holbrook. Shower will be at Melissa Gardner's House from 10am-12pm. Food Sign-up and more details to come!
  • April 24: Class Social. More details to come.
LBC News

Parent/Child Dedication: Our next Parent/Child Dedication Service will be on Sunday, April 18th. Letters have been mailed to families that we know have recently had a baby. If you have not received a letter, but would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824 or
Will Your Child Have Faith?: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. There is a nce door prize for the first 15 who register (not from the same family)!

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5th-9th. Registration for "Consumed Summer Camp" begins on Sunday, April 11th and is open to all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is  $275 per student. Registration will be available in the church lobby and online at For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Rescheduled for April to the second Sunday, April 11th. Meet in room 216 for assignments.
Marriage Conference: LBC is hosting a marriage conference based on Song of Songs. Dr. Danny Akin, President of SEBTS, will be the conference leadder. Please make plans to attend on May 15th from 9:00am-2:30pm. Registration is $20/couple and will cover lunch, childcare and materials. 

Upward Scholarships Needed: We are in need of scholarships to help provide opportunities for children to play Upward Soccer this spring. If you would like to help provide a child with the opportunity to play soccer and learn the love of Christ, please designate the funds to "Upward Scholarship" on the memo section of your check and place it in the offering plate or bring it to the church office. Thank you for supporting our children.

Additional Announcements
Sunrise Service: On Easter Sunday, April 4th, we will have a Sunrise Service at Country park at 6:30am. Breakfast will follow at 7:15am in the CLC. In case of rain, the service will be in the CLC.
Easter Lilies: Sign-up now to honor or remember a loved one on Sunday, April 4th with a great symbol of the resurrection: an Easter Lily or Hydrangea which can be taken home after the second service on Easter Sunday. Plants are $14. Special seasonal flower envelopes are available at the various welcome desks and church office. Please indicate on the envelope if you'd like a lily or hydrangea (if you do not indicate one, the plant will be a lily). The deadline to sign up is March 29th!
She & Me Tea: Saturday, May 8th at 11:00am in the CLC. Featuring our very own Leigh Brock!
Service CDs Available: If you would like a CD of Sunday Services, please complete a CD Request Form located on the Welcome Desk in the CLC lobby (near the elevator) or call the church office. CDs are available for all Sunday services at a cost of $3 each, and are available for pick-up in the church office during the week.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Announcements: March 21, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Nathan for another great lesson. The title of next week's lesson is Persevering Faith. The background passage for next week is Exodus 13:17-15:21. The lesson passages for next week are Exodus 13:17-18; 14:9-18, 31.
  • The first Sunday in April is Easter Sunday. We will reschedule our monthly Class Lunch for the following Sunday, April 11th. We will meet again at Poblano's at Friendly Center. We are open to suggestions for future lunch sites! :)
  • Upcoming Dates: 
  1. March 27: Class Dinner. We will meet at Villa Italian (next to the Fresh Market on Lawndale) at 5:30pm. If you have not signed up and would like to attend, please contact Misty or Laura so they can get an accurate head count!
  2. April 17: Baby Shower honoring Lauren and Marc Holbrook. Shower will be at Melissa Gardner's House from 10am-12pm. Food Sign-up and more details to come!
  3. April 24: Class Social. More details to come.
LBC News

Parent/Child Dedication: Our next Parent/Child Dedication Service will be on Sunday, April 18th. Letters have been mailed to families that we know have recently had a baby. If you have not received a letter, but would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824 or
Will Your Child Have Faith?: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. There is a nce door prize for the first 15 who register (not from the same family)!

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5th-9th. Registration for "Consumed Summer Camp" begins on Sunday, April 11th and is open to all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is  $275 per student. Registration will be available in the church lobby and online at For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Rescheduled for April to the second Sunday, April 11th. Meet in room 216 for assignments.
Marriage Conference: LBC is hosting a marriage conference based on Song of Songs. Dr. Danny Akin, President of SEBTS, will be the conference leadder. Please make plans to attend on May 15th from 9:00am-2:30pm. Registration is $20/couple and will cover lunch, childcare and materials. 

Upward Soccer Coaches and Officials Needed: The 2010 Upward Soccer registration is now complete and team drafts will begin shortly. There are still openings for both coaches and officials. As an Upward coach or official, you have a tremendous opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of the players and their families. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Jimmy Jackson at 288-3824 or 

Additional Announcements
Sunrise Service: On Easter Sunday, April 4th, we will have a Sunrise Service at Country Park at 6:30am. Breakfast will follow at 7:15 in the CLC. In case of rain, the service will be in the CLC.
Easter Lilies: Sign up now to honor or remember a loved one on Easter Sunday, April 4th with a great symbol of the resurrection: an Easter Lily or Hydrangea which can be taken home after the second service on Easter Sunday. Plants are $14. Special seasonal flower envelopes are available at the various welcome desks and church office. Please indicate on the envelope if you'd like a lily or a hydrangea (if you do not indicate one, the plant will be a lily). The deadline to sign up is March 29th.
She & Me Tea: Saturday, May 8th at 11:00am in the CLC. Featuring our own Leigh Brock! 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Announcements: March 7, 2010

Class News
  • This weekend is Daylight Savings! Remember to set your clocks ahead on hour before going to bed Saturday night.
  • Thanks Billy, for a wonderful lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from his lesson later in the week! We will start using the new Spring Leader Guide this coming Sunday. If you have not had a chance to pick one up, there are extra copies available on the snack table in the LJG room.
  • Just a reminder... We will continue to start class at 9:15am! We are also in our new location, room 318.
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, March 12th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will meet Monday, March 15th at 6:45pm at Ashlee Wallace's house. All women are welcome! 
  • There is one breakfast date left in the month of April. If you are interested in taking this date, please e-mail Melissa.
LBC News

Parent/Child Dedication: Our next Parent/Child Dedication Service will be on Sunday, April 18th. Letters have been mailed to families that we know have recently had a baby. If you have not received a letter, but would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824 or
Will Your Child Have Faith?: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. There is a nce door prize for the first 15 who register (not from the same family)!

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Boot Camp Weekend: "Prepare for the Mission" will be held the weekend of March 19th-21st. Cost is $85 per student ($40 deposit is due at the time of registration), Registration is available online and in the church lobby. Deadline is March 7th! Scholarships are available!

Married Adults
Pre-Parenting Class: Saturday, March 20th from 9:00am-12:00pm. (I spoke with Rodney about this class and it would be beneficial for ANYONE in our LJG. The class will cover pre-parenting through parenting young children.)

Drama Team: We are now recruiting individuals for a new drama team. If you have experience in acting, writing, directing, or if you believe you'd like to serve in this ministry, please contact the music office at 288-3824.

Additional Announcements
Easter Lilies: Sign up now to honor or remember a loved one on Easter Sunday, April 4th with a great symbol of the resurrection: an Easter Lily or Hydrangea which can be taken home after the second service on Easter Sunday. Plants are $14. Special seasonal flower envelopes are available at the various welcome desks and church office. Please indicate on the envelope if you'd like a lily or a hydrangea (if you do not indicate one, the plant will be a lily). The deadline to sign up is March 29th.

Weekday Preschool Registration: If you are interested in enrolling your child for the school year 2010-2011, please contact Ann Johnson at 282-4177.
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, March 20th from 8:30am-11:30am.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Announcements: February 28, 2010

Shooting for 30!

This Sunday is High Attendance Sunday, and our goal is to have 30 in attendance! New Location... New Time!... 
Room 318 at 9:15 am

Please make a serious effort to invite folks this Sunday as we shake things up a bit. Along with our new location and time, we will also have a special "Christian Apologetics" discussion lead by Billy as he shares a number of very interesting things that help defend the Bible and our faith in Christ! This will be a great discussion for believers AND those still searching spiritually. Hope to see EVERYBODY there this Sunday!

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy, for another great lesson! We will begin working out of the Spring Learner Guide in 2 weeks. If you were unable to pick up a copy this past Sunday, extra copies will be available in our new LJG room 318! 
  • "Buckets of Hope" for Haiti: Collections are due THIS SATURDAY! Click here for details
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, March 5th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will meet next Monday, March 8th at 6:45pm at Ashlee Wallace's house. All women are welcome!
  • There are 2 breakfast dates left in the month of April. If you are interested in taking one of these dates, please e-mail Melissa. 
LBC News

Souper Chicks: This is a casual dinner event for women of all ages (High school and up) on Friday, March 12 from 6:00pm-9:00pm in the CLC. Join us for a night of lighthearted, feminine fun, music and door prizes! Menu will be soup, baked potato, and salad bar with grilled chicken strips. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, February 7th. You may purchase tickets online, church lobby or church office. Childcare is available by reservation only- call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824 no later than Monday, March 8th to secure childcare. Father-care is encouraged!

Saddle Ridge Ranch (VBS 2010): Set among the stunning vistas and wide open spaces of Big Sky Country, Saddle Ridge Ranch is a place where children can ask questions and discover the answers found in God's Word. It is now time to place a very important week on your calendar. Vacation Bible School, June 21-25, from 9:00am-12:00pm, with family night on June 24th at 7:00pm. Say "yes" when asked about serving as a Class Coordinator!
Parent/Child Dedication: Our next Parent/Child Dedication Service will be on Sunday, April 18th. Letters have been mailed to families that we know have recently had a baby. If you have not received a letter, but would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824 or

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Boot Camp Weekend: "Prepare for the Mission" will be held the weekend of March 19th-21st. Cost is $85 per student ($40 deposit is due at the time of registration), Registration is available online and in the church lobby. Deadline is March 7th! Scholarships are available!

Christmas Program DVDs: DVDs of our 2009 Christmas Spectacular, "When Love Came Down", are available to purchase for $7 each in the church office. Ornaments are also available for $3 each.

Married Adults
ETB & BSFL Teacher Training: Wednesday, March 3rd in Room 216.
Pre-Parenting Class: Saturday, March 20th from 9:00am-12:00pm. (I spoke with Rodney about this class and it would be beneficial for ANYONE in our LJG. The class will cover pre-parenting through parenting young children.)
How to Study the Bible: A 10 week class that begins today at 5pm (Room 261). Darrel Tedrow will lead the class. Anyone can attend; teachers are especially encouraged to participate. 

Upward Soccer: Online registration for Upward Soccer will open on Monday, February 8th. Registration brochures will be mailed. Brochures are also available in the church office and several locations throughout the building. Registration fee is $70 and includes children 4 years old through 6th grade. Online registration will close on March 7th and all registration will close on March 11th.

Additional Announcements
Easter Lilies: Sign up now to honor or remember a loved one on Easter Sunday, April 4th with a great symbol of the resurrection: an Easter Lily or Hydrangea which can be taken home after the second service on Easter Sunday. Plants are $14. Special seasonal flower envelopes are available at the various welcome desks and church office. Please indicate on the envelope if you'd like a lily or a hydrangea (if you do not indicate one, the plant will be a lily). The deadline to sign up is March 29th.
Buckets of Hope: The collection deadline for the Buckets of Hope project has been extended to March 6th for the Piedmont Baptist Association. If you thought you didn't have time to participate in this project, the extension gives your family or LJG more time to collect items and drop them off at the PBA office. With a cost of approximately $40/bucket, it is an easy way for your family of LJG to be involved in the relief effort and spreading God's love to those who need it most! If you are interested in this project, please see the additional information here.
Weekday Preschool Registration: If you are interested in enrolling your child for the school year 2010-2011, please contact Ann Johnson at 282-4177.
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, March 20th from 8:30am-11:30am.