Class News
- Happy Anniversary to Marc & Lauren and Justin & Monica, tomorrow, June 14th!
- Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, June 18th, at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
- June 19: Class Social! We will have a potluck dinner at 6pm at the Pearman's house.
- July Small Group Social: If you have not had a chance to sign up for July's Small Group Social, please e-mail Misty or Laura P so they can put you in a group. Group leaders should be contacting you soon to find a date, time and place that works for everyone in your group!
- July 11: LBC Picnic! Alright ladies and gents... Take a look below under LBC News for specific details about time and location. Be thinking about which Olympic Even you would like to sign up to participate in, and what you would like to do for "Lawndale's Got Talent!" I hear a dance/lip-sync has been suggested for our class. We definitely have plenty of personality in our LJG to pull that off! We hope that regardless of whether or not you take part in any of the activities, you can at least come join us for the cookout and fellowship! The Olympic events are listed below and you'll be able to sign-up next Sunday!
- 3 Legged Race: Teams of 2 will tether themselves together by the leg and race a distance of 50 meters.
- Egg Race: Balancing an egg on a spoon that will be carried in the mouth, competitors will cover 50 meters and then return the same distance to the starting line.
- Piggy Back Race: One competitor will carry a teammate on his/her back while running 50 meters.
- Water Balloon Toss: Two teammates toss water balloons back and forth while increasing their distance after each toss.
- Long Distance Frisbee Toss: Competitors will throw a Frisbee. the longest distance wins!
- Arm Wrestling: Athletes hold hands while staring into each other's eyes while trying to get their opponents back hand to touch the table.
- Tug of War: Six players from each LJG will stand on opposite ends of a rope and try to pull their opponents to their side.
- There is one breakfast date left in August. Any takers?
LBC News
VBS will be held the week of June 21-25 from 9am-Noon. If you have not yet registered your child(ren), please do so today! You may register at the Children's Welcome Desk, in the lobby, or on our website. VBS is open to rising Kindergarten children (must be age 5 by 8/31/10) through completed 8th grade students.
Paper Towel Rolls Needed for VBS! Please save your empty paper towel roll sand leave them at the VBS booth in the main lobby by Friday, June 18th! Thank you.
VBS Family Night: June 24th from 7-8pm in the Worship Center.
411: Sundays @ 6:15pm.
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.
Middle School VBS: June 21-25 from 9am-Noon; Registration is available online and in the church lobby.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5-9. Registration for 'Consumed Summer Camp' is now open. Camp is for all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is $275 per student. Registration is available on our website and in the church lobby. For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event. Registration ends June 20th and all final payments are due then.
Parent Meeting for Summer Camp: Sunday, June 20th @ 5pm in the Chapel. Information regarding what to pack and a schedule of events will be handed out. Please bring with you any final payments or medical forms that need to be turned in. If you are not sure of your balance, contact Debbie Turcola at 288-3824. If you cannot attend the meeting, please call the church office and we will mail you the information.
Married Adults
Father/Son Camping Trip: July 31-August 1. IF you are interested, contact Benjamin Bright at 643-1686 or
Marriage 301: Saturday, July 24th from 9am-Noon. 'Partnership for the Journey' is a class to help guide couples in the same direction. You will learn helpful principles to grow in oneness and like-mindedness. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. Also, if you will need childcare, please be sure to tell us the names and ages of your chilren.
Patriotic Celebration: 'Freedom's Never Free' July 4th at 10:30am. We are looking for volunteers 12 years old through adults for one special portion of our program. If you would like to participate, please contact Carol Anne Earnhardt in the church office at 288-3824 or
Summer Sports Camp: Registration is now open online for our Summer Sports Camps from 1st through 6th grade boys and girls. Registration forms are also available outside of Jimmy's office and in the Receptionist's office.
Church-Wide Picnic: Sunday, June 11th at Bur-Mil Park, Shelter #4. Activities begin at 4pm. Dinner will begin at 6pm. LBC will provide hot dogs, buns, chips and condiments. You are asked to bring side dishes. You will also need to bring drinks, cups and ice for your family. After dinner, you will want to stay for "Lawndale's Got Talent," an exciting show featuring you- our Lawndale members. Those wishing to be in the talent show may sign up in your LJG beginning today.
Share the Change: Baby Bottles are available in the Worship Center Lobby near the Chapel. Please take a bottle, fill it with change, and then return it on Father's Day (a few days prior or after is acceptable). Thank you!
Attention LifePlus Facilitators: The Fall Semester of LifePlus will begin Sunday, September 12th. If you are interested in leading a LifePlus class for the fall semester, please secure an application from your LJG leader or the church office. Please complete the required information and return it to the church office, Curt Dean, or Gary Wade by July 11th. Upon approval of your course material, your syllabus will be due by August 1st.