Sunday, August 29, 2010

Announcements: August 29, 2010

Class News

  • Thanks Nathan, for another wonderful lesson! The title of next week's lesson is God's Plan is Eternal. The background and lesson passage for next week is Epesians 1:1-14. We will be starting the new Fall Learner Guide next week. If you have not picked one up yet, we have plenty in our LJG room!
  • Welcome to our guests, Matt Crater and Dahlia Halpern! We enjoyed having you with us this morning.
  • Happy Birthday to Julia Toth, this Wednesday, September 1st!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, September 3rd, at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • September Small Group Social: If you have not had a chance to sign up for the September Small Group Social and you would like to be placed in a group, please e-mail Misty or Laura Pearman and they will add you to the list!
  • September 5: Class Lunch. Instead of going to a specific restaurant this month, we will have a picnic lunch at Bur-Mil Park. Stop by a fast food restaurant or bring your own food from home immediately after church. Bring a blanket, a football, a frisbee and come enjoy the fun! (Exact location at Bur-Mil will be e-mailed out soon!)
  • September 18: Baby shower honoring Laura & Todd Lindley! Click here for more information.
  • October 23: Class Costume Party! Time and details TBA. If you would be willing to host this even at your house, please let Laura P or Misty know ASAP! :)
LBC News

Fall Semester Classes begin September 12 at 5pm: A list of classes being offered is on the cover of the Lawndale Leader and on our website. You may register on our website or sign up in the lobby beginning today!

Mission Friends, GAs, and RAs: Fall Kick-off night is Wednesday, September 1. 
Promotion Sunday in LJGs: Sunday, September 5th

411: Sundays @ 6:15pm
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.
Fusion Band Auditions: Sunday, August 29th, 4:30pm in the Worship Center. Auditions for singers and musicians are open to all rising 6th-12th graders. Applications are available online under Student Ministry/Weekly Events/Fusion. They can also be picked up in the Chapel. Please fill out and return to Student Ministry no later than August 29th.
Annual Parent Meeting and Lunch: Middle School: Sunday September 12th. High School: Sunday, September 19th. Lunch will be served followed by a meeting highlighting Student Ministry events for the year ahead. Please plan to attend this very important meeting: 12:15-1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Registration is required and is available in the church lobby beginning today. Cost is $3 per person, maximum $12 per family.

Married Adults
Parenting 301: September 18th from 9:00am-12:00pm, Room 263. Parents with children ages 11-15 will benefit from this course. Focus will be issues facing adolescents and setting ground rules. Please call the church office at 288-3824.
Operation Outreach: Sunday, September 12th at 4pm, moved to 2nd weekend because of Labor Day, Room 263.
Weekend to Remember: Marriage retreat October 1-3. For more information please  go to this website: Our group name is Lawndale Baptist. When you register with our group, you receive 1/2 off the registration ($159/couple). This even is sponsored by Family LIfe at Four Seasons in Greensboro.
Preparation for Marriage Class: Wednesday nights, 7-8pm beginning October 6th in Room 263.
Joyner Elementary School Partnership: Please continue to bring in the items your class is collecting for this project. You may drop them off in the Worship Center Lobby.

Women's Ministry
Mentoring Matters Ladies Dinner: Thursday, September 2nd at 6:30pm. Exploring the "What and Why of Mentoring" in the lives of Faithful Women. Register in the Lobby or e-mail Donna Navey at
Women of Faith Conference: November 12-13 at the Greensboro Coliseum. Go to our website, Women's ministry/Upcoming Events for more details.
MOPS: (Mothers of Preschoolers) will begin soon! Register online at MOPS meets every 3rd Tuesday, September through May from 9-11:30am. Orientation Night is Tuesday, September 14th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Registration is $55.
Please also check out Lawndale's Website for a list of small group women's studies beginning in September!

Fall Spectacular: Saturday, October 30th. There are many opportunities to serve during this evening of outreach to our community. Signup sheets will be in your LJG soon!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Announcements: August 22, 2010

Class News

  • Thanks Billy, for another wonderful lesson! The title of next week's lesson is Relationships: The Improvement Factor. The background passage for next week is 2 Corinthians 10:1-13:13. The lesson passages for next week are 2 Corinthians 10:1-3, 15-18.
  • Welcome to our guests, Adam and Casey Garant. We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • Happy Birthday to Ashlee Wallace this Friday, August 27th.
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, August 27th, at 6:30am, at the Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • September Small Group Social: If you have not had a chance to sign up for the September Small Group Social and you would like to participate, please e-mail Misty or Laura Pearman and they will add you to the list!
  • September 5: Class Lunch. Instead of going out to a specific restaurant this month, we will have a picnic lunch at a park (the specific location TBD). Stop by a fast food restaurant or bring your own food from home! Bring a blanket, a football, a frisbee and come enjoy the fun!
  • September 18: Baby shower honoring Laura & Todd Lindley! Click here for more information. 
  • Lawndale has partnered up with Joyner Elementary School this year in an effort to meet the needs of both Joyner families and students. Each Life Journey Group has been asked to collect one specific school supply item for Joyner. Our class has been asked to collect and donate note cards. Please bring the note cards back to class NEXT Sunday and drop them off in the foyer. A letter from the Joyner Partnership Committee can be seen here.
LBC News

Fall Semester Classes begin September 12 at 5pm: A list of classes being offered is on the cover of the Lawndale Leader and on our website. You may register on our website or sign up in the lobby beginning August 29th.

MFs, GAs, and RAs: Fall Kick-off night is Wednesday, September 1. Our wonderful fall ministry opportunities are approaching for Preschool & Elementary Children. Find a place of service in Missions Education on Wednesdays from 6:15pm-7:15pm. RAs need assistant leaders for the 2nd and 3rd grades (Neal Matthews, Director). GAs need a director and MFs need leaders and assistants in various age groups (Amy Arthur, Director). Excellent training is available for these leadership positions.
Promotion Sunday in LJGs: Sunday, September 5th
New Leader Orientation: Wednesday, August 25th, 6:15pm in Room 363.

411: Sundays @ 6:15pm
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.
Fusion Band Auditions: Sunday, August 29th, 4:30pm in the Worship Center. Auditions for singers and musicians are open to all rising 6th-12th graders. Applications are available online under Student Ministry/Weekly Events/Fusion. They can also be picked up in the Chapel. Please fill out and return to Student Ministry no later than August 29th.
Annual Parent Meeting and Lunch: Middle School: Sunday September 12th. High School: Sunday, September 19th. Lunch will be served followed by a meeting highlighting Student Ministry events for the year ahead. Please plan to attend this very important meeting: 12:15-1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Registration is required and is available in the church lobby beginning today. Cost is $3 per person, maximum $12 per family.

Annual Choir and Orchestra Kick-off: August 25th, 6:30pm. Official launch of the upcoming season. If you've considered being part of our team, come out and give us a try on this special night. We'd love to have you as we plan for an awesome season.

Married Adults
Parenting 301: September 18th from 9:00am-12:00pm, Room 263. Parents with children ages 11-15 will benefit from this course. Focus will be issues facing adolescents and setting ground rules. Please call the church office at 288-3824.
Operation Outreach: Sunday, September 12th at 4pm, moved to 2nd weekend because of Labor Day, Room 263.
Weekend to Remember: Marriage retreat October 1-3. For more information please  go to this website: Our group name is Lawndale Baptist,

Women's Ministry
Mentoring Matters Ladies Dinner: Thursday, September 2nd at 6:30pm. Exploring the "What and Why of Mentoring" in the lives of Faithful Women. Register in the Lobby or e-mail Donna Navey at
Women of Faith Conference: November 12-13 at the Greensboro Coliseum. Go to our website, Women's ministry/Upcoming Events for more details.

Joyner Elementary Partnership

To all Life Journey Groups:

Lawndale is embarking on an exciting new adventure by partnering this year with Joyner Elementary School. Joyner is a community school seeking to meet the needs of families and students. A leadership team was formed last spring and has been meeting with the school staff in preparation for the coming year. We will be offering opportunities for our church members to serve as mentors, class room readers, lunch and breakfast buddies, assistants with landscaping and grounds improvements, along with many other areas to support, encourage, and assist the students and staff. You will be hearing more about the plans and events that are underway in the coming weeks. The immediate needs is supplies for the students and teachers.

Individual Life Journey Groups have been given a list of specific items to provide for the students for the beginning of the school year. We would like for each class to bring the items on your list back next Sunday. There will be a place in the foyer of the Worship Center to drop them off. If you have any questions about this collection or about the Joyner Partnership, please contact Bonnie Edenfield at or call 856-9622. There will be many areas for individuals and Life Journey Groups to get involved at different levels of ministry at Joyner as we move forward in this partnership.

Joyner Partnership Committee:
Bonnie Edenfield
Dean Harrison
Ruth Hood
Nathan Wallace
Rodney Navey, Staff Liaison

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Announcements: August 15, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson! The title of next week's lesson is Relationships: The Long Distance Factor. The background passage for next week is 2 Corinthians 7:5-9:15. The lesson passages for next week are 2 Corinthians 8:1-9; 9:1-2, 7-8, 12-15.
  • Happy Belated Anniversary to Chris and Amanda on August 8th!
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Brandon Dixon on August 8th!
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Laura Pearman on August 14th!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, August 20th, at the Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue. If you have not done so already, please be prepared to give Jeremy $5 to cover the cost of the book. All men are welcome!
  • September Small Group Social: A sign-up sheet was passed around in class today for our September small group social. If you did not have a chance to sign up today and would like to be placed in a group, please e-mail Melissa and she will add you to the current list. 
  • September 18: Baby shower honoring Laura & Todd Lindley! Click here for more information.
  • There are still 2 dates available to bring breakfast during the months of September and October. If you would like to cover one of these dates, please e-mail Melissa. 
LBC News

Fall Semester Classes begin September 12 at 5pm: A list of classes being offered is on the cover of the Lawndale Leader and on our website. You may register on our website or sign up in the lobby beginning August 29th.

MFs, GAs, and RAs: Fall Kick-off night is Wednesday, September 1. Our wonderful fall ministry opportunities are approaching for Preschool & Elementary Children. Find a place of service in Missions Education on Wednesdays from 6:15pm-7:15pm. RAs need assistant leaders for the 2nd and 3rd grades (Neal Matthews, Director). GAs need a director and MFs need leaders and assistants in various age groups (Amy Arthur, Director). Excellent training is available for these leadership positions.
Promotion Sunday in LJGs: Sunday, September 5th
Preschool and Children's Ministry Leaders: "Thank You" Luncheon Sunday, August 22nd, 12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Remember to RSVP by August 16th.
New Leader Orientation: Wednesday, August 25th, 6:15pm in Room 363.

411: Sundays @ 6:15pm
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.

Married Adults
Parenting 201: August 21st from 9am-Noon. Parents with children between the ages of 5-10 will benefit most from this course. The goal is to help equip parents in the character development on their children. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. 
Parenting 301: September 18th from 9:00am-12:00pm, Room 263. Parents with children ages 11-15 will benefit from this course. Focus will be issues facing adolescents and setting ground rules. Please call the church office at 288-3824.

DVDs of "Freedom's Never Free" are available for $7 in the church lobby on Sundays or in the church office during the week.
New York City Trip: Saturday, December 18-21st. An information meeting will be on August 22 at 5pm in the Choir Suite, Room 311. Please call (288-3824) or e-mail Carol Anne Earnhardt for further details -

Activities Ministry
Registration for 2010 Above the Rim League for 7th-12th graders is now open. Forms may be picked up at the Welcome Desk on the mail level of the church or you may register online. Fee $60. Registration closes on August 19th.

Additional Announcements
Divorce Thru the Eyes of a Teen: If you know of a teen whose parents are going through a separation or divorce, encourage them to attend our seminar especially for 12-18 year olds entitled "The Big D - Divorce Thru the Eyes of a Teen." The Big D begins Tuesday, September 14th at 7pm in Room 266. Call Judy in the Church Office by September 7 to register, 288-3824.
Mentoring Matters Ladies Dinner: Thursday, September 2nd at 6:30pm. Exploring the "What and Why of Mentoring" in the lives of Faithful Women. Register in the Lobby or e-mail Donna Navey at

Laura Lindley's Baby Shower!

It's a GIRL!

Please join us for a baby shower honoring 
Laura and Todd Lindley

Saturday, September 18th

from 10am-12pm


Melissa Gardner's House
4913 Riding Ridge Drive

Todd & Laura are registered at Target and Babies R Us

Priscilla: Fruit & Dip
Laura P: ?
Amanda: Hashbrown Casserole
Ashlee: ?
Melissa: Shower Cake
Lauren: Shower Cake
Misty: ?
Casey: Dump Cake
Julia: ?