Class News
- Thanks for another great lesson Nathan. The title of next week's lesson is Lift Up the Gospel. The background and lesson passage for Sunday is Philippians 1:12-26. Before Sunday, please take a moment to prayerfully read through the passage to prepare for the lesson.
- If you are bringing a meal to Rob & Cheryl this week, here is the schedule.
- Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, March 11th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center. All men are welcome!
- Women's Bible Study: Will meet this Monday, March 7th, at Priscilla's house (6709 Poplar Grove Trail) at 6:30pm. Please complete week 3 in the "Breaking Free" workbook before the meeting.
- March Small Group Social: It's that time again! Instead of having a class social in the month of March, we will break up into groups for small group socials. Once you are signed up, you will be placed in a group with 2-3 other couples. Each group will then decide what day and time of the month works best for them to meet. Your small group social can be anything from dinner to bowling, kids or no kids. The choice will be up to your group. If you did not have a chance to sign up this morning, and would like to participate, please e-mail Misty and she will put you on the list!
LBC News
Lawndale's Website
Vacation Bible School: Mark your calendar for the upcoming VBS "Big Apple Adventure" to take place on June 20-24, 2011. Begin saving paper towel tubes for VBS projects. You may place them at the Collection Center on the first floor near the vending machines.
VBS Leadership Dates to Remember:
- All Leadership Luncheon: May 1, 12:15pm
- Training: May 5, hosted by LBC for area churches. Dinner at 6:15-6:50pm. Training 7-9pm.
Parent/Child Dedication: Sunday, April 3 - Both morning services, information letters have been mailed. If you desire to participate and have not received your registration information, please contact Carol McKinney in the church office. Deadline to register is Friday, March 25.
Helping Children Understand Salvation and Baptism: Practical Guidance for Parents: Is there one plan of salvation for children and another for adults? Does Baptism "wash your sins away?" When can a child become a Christian? What is the age of accountability? When are children under God's Grace? All these questions will be considered in this helpful two-session course for parents. March 27 and April 3, 5pm, Room 322.
411: Meets Sundays at 6:15-7:15pm. High School- Chapel; Middle School- Room 361.
Fusion: Meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Chapel.
Boot Camp Weekend: April 8-10. Open to all 6th-12th grade students. Registration is available online and in the lobby. A $40 deposit is due at time of registration. Total cost is $85. All meals and camp t-shirt are included. A notarized medical form is required for this event.
Scholarships Needed: If you would like to make a donation to the Student Ministry to assist our students in attending various ministry events, pleas designate funds to "Youth Scholarship" and bring it to the church office. Thank you for supporting our students!
Above the Rim Basketball: Schedules have been posted on the church website. In case of inclement weather for practices or games, check online after 4pm on Friday and 8am on Saturday, or call 288-3824, ext 315 for a message.
Youth Soccer: The league is open to young people from the ages of 4 years old through 8th grade. As in the past, the program will offer biblically based lessons and focus on character development, self-esteem, and fair play. The cost per player is $45. Registration forms are available at church and online registration opens February 7th. Player evaluations will be held Saturday, March 19th and games will begin April 16.
Kalos Coffees: "Kalos" is the Greek word for the "good" that God called mature women of faith to teach other women in Titus 2. The next Kalos Coffee will meet on March 20, at 7:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Childcare will be provided. Contact Donna Navey at to register.
Additional Announcements
Workshop at LBC: "Teaching Children and Youth Literacy Workshop" will be held at LBC on May 12-14 to provide tutoring techniques and information to adults tutoring children and teens through a church setting. Workshop is led by a NAMB certified leader, Kathy Boyd. You will receive a certificate for the 14 hour course. Cost is $20. Contact Carla Pless, 282-9495, for registration information.
A Change in the Distribution of the Lawndale Leader: In order to become better stewards of our resources, we will soon be streamlining our distribution of the Lawndale Leader via email to everyone for whom we have an email address. If you have recently changed your email address, or if you are not sure that we have your email, please send your new or updated information to, or call Carol McKinney in the church office at 288-3824. We realize that not everyone has email, so of course we will continue to mail the Leader to those of you who do not have an email account. You may also view the current Leader on our website at This change will save the church money in postage and printing.
Clayton Book Available in Church Library: "Finishing Strong with What You Have Left", a new book written by LBC member Richard Clayton, is now available in our church library. Richard's book is a vivid reminder that God, who is the source of our strength, is always sufficient in every circumstance. look for it in the 248.8 section of the Library in Room 263.
Easter Schedule (April 24): Join us for a Sunrise Service at Country Park at 6:30am followed by a light breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 7:15am. LJGs and ETC for babies - 4s only will meet as usual. There will be identical Worship Services at 9am and 10:30am. No PM service/activities will take place.
Trip to Historic New Bern, NC: Join us as we visit Tryon Palace and the birthplace of Pepsi Cola on April 8-10, 2011. This trip is part of the traveling LifePlus course, History of the Baptists in Colonial North Carolina. You do not have to take the course to participate in this trip. Trip cost and registration will be available February 13th at the LifePlus Baptist History class or in the church office on Monday, February 14. Space is limited, so secure your reservation early.
Operation Christmas Child- Year Round: Let it be Christmas all year long! Operation Christmas Child year-round volunteers will be collecting age and gender appropriate gifts to fill shoe boxes next November with specific items highlighted each month. Watch the Leader for ideas, and comb those sales bins for great buys! Items can be left in the designated bin at the collection center, first floor lobby next to the vending machines. Our highlighted items for February are: holiday and cold weather children's items: gloves, hats, scarves, socks, animals, seasonal themed toys. Christmas colors are fine.
Annie Armstrong Missions: The Week of Prayer for North American Missions "Pointing the Way" is March 6-13, 2011. Our goal is $25,000. Prayer guides will be available in the March 13th bulletin.
Lost & Found: The Lost & Found collection is moving from the elevator lobby to the Worship Center lobby in front of the CLC entrance. If you have misplaced an item, please check our temporary location. Unclaimed items are periodically taken to Salvation Arm or Goodwill.
Aluminum Needed: The Royal Ambassadors (RAs) are collecting aluminum to help send the Angel Tree children to Camp Caraway. Bring aluminum cans and other items to the Collection Center near the drink machines through May.