- Thanks Jeremy, for a wonderful lesson this morning! I know I left feeling very encouraged after our lesson and discussions. I hope that everyone keeps in mind the true meaning of Christmas this week! The title of next week's lesson is When Others Cared for You. The background passage for next week is 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13. The lesson passage for next week is 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13.
- Congratulations to Greg, Laura & Big Brother Jack Pearman on the birth of Matthew Cooper Pearman! Click here to see a current dinner sign-up, picture (coming soon) and birth information!
- Happy Birthday to Ashley Powles, this Tuesday, December 23rd!
- Happy Birthday to Nathan Wallace this Thursday, December 25th!
- If you would be willing to provide breakfast during the months of December and January, please check the left side of the blog to see which dates are available! (There are plenty) E-mail Melissa with the Sunday you wish to cover.
- If you would like your information to appear on our Class Directory, please e-mail Melissa and let her know. If your picture has not been posted in the Directory, Melissa can take one of you in a couple weeks, or you can e-mail her one now to post.
- Many of you may have picked up a copy of the letter that was passed around our class on Sunday. For those of you who weren't here, I will send an attachment of the letter as soon as I receive it from Chip Styers! Chip (coordinator of the Walking Together Class... the one our class split off from) asked if we would consider helping out this family in need. For those of you who know Toni and Lori Wall (Walking Together Class), the husband of this family in need is Toni's brother. If you would like to help, but do not know who Ryan & Chip are, please feel free to give any contributions to me and/or Matt and we will get everything to Ryan & Chip.
- January 25: Rodney Navey will be speaking in our LJG class!
- We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that you are blessed by the celebration of Christ's birth!
- There will be a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 4pm & 11pm on December 24.
- The church office will be closed Wednesday, December 24-Friday, December 26 for the Christmas holidays.
- Pre-parenting Seminar, "Before the Journey Begins": January 17 from 9am - Noon. An overview of what parents should expect from the preschool years to adulthood.
- Preparenting 101, The Journey with preschoolers (ages birth - 4): February 21
- The 2009 Spring Semester of Life Plus will begin on Sunday, January 11 at 5pm. Stop by the Life Plus tables in the lobby on Sunday, December 28 and register for the class that interests you!
- A note from the office... If you have decided to use your cell phone as your primary phone and do not have a home phone number anymore, please let the church office know so our records can be updated and accurate. Call Carol at 288-3824 with this information or e-mail her at cmckinney@lawndalebaptist.org.