Sunday, October 19, 2008

Support for David McManus

Dear Friends and Family,

     I hope this letter finds you all very well! It is my pleasure to write to you with regard to a mission opportunity with Crossfire Ministries in the Philippines, January 7-17 2009. It is truly a dream come true for me personally, as I will be given the opportunity to play basketball overseas, and at the same time share the blessings of the incomparable Lord Jesus Christ! While I am there the team will use every means possible to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will play basketball games which will include a time for testimonies and an invitation for salvation at every game. With each team we play we will spend one-on-one time presenting God's plan of salvation and discipling believers. We will also spend time in the streets using ball skills and music to attract crowds to hear God's Word and personal testimonies. 

     Our mission team will be made up of talented, God-fearing men. I, along with the other team members, have prayed earnestly for God's leadership about our participation with this team, and I feel led to be a part of this amazing venture. Along with playing on the ball team I will be given the opportunity to share my testimony, hand out tracts, and engage in one-on-one ministry. I would greatly appreciate your prayerful support and consideration for supporting me financially as well. My support goal is $3000.

     All donations are tax-deductible and will be used only for my expenses. If you feel led to support me in this ministry, please make checks payable to Crossfire Ministries, include my name in the memo line of the check and turn into Matt & Melissa Gardner. In the event that more money is sent than is needed for this trip, the extra funds will be placed in an account for my use on future mission trips. Please feel free to call Crossfire Ministries, (828) 255-9111, and they will be glad to answer any specific questions that you may have. Again, I appreciate your prayers for me personally and for the entire Crossfire team as we make plans to take the gospel "into all the world."

In Him,

David J. McManus
(336) 587-3206