Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby Shower Fun!

Thanks to everyone who came and took part in the baby shower for Kim and David McManus! It was a lot of fun and Kim went home with all sorts of goodies to outfit Baby McManus and the nursery with!

One of our games was... Guess what type of candy bar is in the diaper!

Can you figure it out??

Monday, January 21, 2008

New Room

Starting Sunday, January 27th, our Life Journey Group will be meeting in room 266. We are excited that our first two Sundays have been crowded enough to move us to another room. What a wonderful problem to have! Room 266 is across from the library. (I believe it is part of the old sanctuary that has been closed off to make another classroom) We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Food Sign up for Kim's Shower!

If you plan to attend, please e-mail me ( what food/brunch item you will be bringing so I can post it on the blog for both Life Journey Groups to see!

Melissa: Cups, plates, napkins, utensils, ice and drinks
Misty: Muffins
Laura: Shrimp/veggie dip & fritos
Stacey: Chocolate Éclair Cake
Lauren: Fruit Salad
Amy: Pastries
Sarah: Brownies
Stephanie: Sausage Balls
Adrienne: Cheese, Veggie and Cracker Tray
Tonia: Chips and Salsa

Monday, January 7, 2008

SOUPer Bowl!!!

Come join us for a SOUPer bowl party Sunday, February 3rd at The Gardner's House. Please bring your favorite soup to share! If you don't have a favorite soup, feel free to bring an appetizer or drink. Kick-off is at 6:18... come by between 5:30-5:45 to get your first bowl of soup and fill out the "interactive" Super Bowl quiz before the game starts! Let me know what you are bringing so I can post it on here for others to see!

Matt and Melissa: White Chili and cornbread for everyone

David and Kim: Creamy Potato Soup

Stephen and Moira: Taco Soup

Jamie and Sarah: Buffalo Chicken Dip and Chips

Jeremy and Misty: Chili

Greg and Laura: Cheesy Chili Dip with Chips

Marc and Lauren: ICE CREAM!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Packed House

What a wonderful blessing to have to pull up extra chairs and make more room for our first Sunday in the new Life Journey Group! We're excited to see what God has planned for this class in the upcoming year.

Please feel free to check out this blog throughout the week. I will try to update it on a weekly basis, if not more often. If you ever have any thoughts or ideas you would like to post on here, please let me (Melissa) know and I will be more than happy to get them on here for you! The rest of the blog below is announcements from today and future dates to keep in mind:

-Happy Birthday to Jeremy Hood on January 11th!

-Thank you to Stephen and Moira for bringing breakfast on January 13th!

-Baby Shower for Kim McManus on Saturday, January 26 from 10am - 12 noon at Melissa Gardner's house (sign up for food is forthcoming)

-"Finding Common Ground's" 1st annual Groundhog's Day Party will be held on Saturday, February 2nd at Matt and Melissa house. Time TBA.

**The following announcements are the one's Matt discussed this morning**

-Preschool/Children: Parent/child dedication - January 27, 2008 during both morning services. If you wish to participate and have not received the information, please contact Carol McKinney in the office at 288-3824 or

-Married Adults: Mark your calendars for upcoming seminars:
"Operation Outreach:" Begins TODAY at 4pm. ON the first Sunday of each month in rom 215, you will pair up and pick assignments for reaching our community for Christ.
"Before the Journey Begins:" (Pre-Parenting Class) Beginning January 9th. There will be 4 classes on consevutive Wednesday nights, 7:30pm in room 262
"Purpose for the Journey: Marriage 201:" Saturday, January 19th from 9am -Noon. In this class, you will be studying the different roles of men and women in a marriage. register by calling 288-3824. Let the office also know if you need childcare (birth - age 5).
"The Journey with Children: Parenting 201:" Saturday, February 9th

Upward Basketball Officials: We still need officials for Upward Basketball! Please call 288-3824, or see Jimmy if you are available to help.

*NEW* 2008 Family Valentine Banquet: February 17, 6:30pm. The entertainment for the evening will be the comedy ventriloquism of Steve Borgan ( Cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children. There will be a choice of prime rib or a chicken dinner for adults and chicken nuggets for children. Tickets will be on sale Sundays and Wednesdays starting January 6th.

Women's Enrichment: Lawndale Bible Studies for Women
Weekly Word for Women with Phyllis Postma meets every Wednesday at 9:00am in the Chapel.

Life Plus Classes: beginning January 13th at 5pm. You may sign up in the Worship Center Lobby.
Boundaries with Kids: an 8 week study for parents of children ages birth - 18. Learning when to say yes and when to say no to help children gain control of their lives. Led by Alisa Gilboy, room 363.
Becoming a Contagious Christian: Looks at how to discuss Christianity in a way that suits their unique personality and gifts. Led by Scott Cunningham, room 361
Engaging the 4 Pop Culture Worldviews:learning to understand and respond to nonbelievers. Led by Bill Foster, room 216
Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent:a 6 week Beth Moore study looking at 15 Psalms. Led by Carol McKinney, room 366
Marriage Mentoring:a 13 week class designed for 10 couples who want to make a powerful impact on marriages around them. Led by Rodney and Gloria Navey, room 261.
411 for Parents:Looking at forming a Christian worldview; studies of God, the Bible, Creation vs. evolution. Led by Chris Swan, room 311.
Theology 101:An in-depth look at the major doctrines of the Christian faith. Led by Curt Dean and Keith Feather, room 362.
The Five Love Languages:a Dr. Gary Chapman study that reveals how different people express love in different ways. Led by Kyle and Rita Davis, room 217.
Making Peace with Your Past:a 12 week support group that provides tools for accepting God's healing of a painful past. Limited to 8 women. Led by Ellen Jones, room 262.
Experiencing God (begins January 20):A Henry Blackaby study on knowing when God speaks and His will for you. Led by Jimmy and Angela Jackson, room 364.
Raising a Modern Day Knight (beings March 2):A father's role in guiding his son to authentic manhood. LEd by Gary Wade, room 263.