Sunday, July 25, 2010

Announcements: July 25, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson! The title of next week's lesson is Relationships: The Integrity Factor. The background passage is 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:17. The lesson passages are 2 Corinthians 1:3-12; 2:14-17.
  • Please remember that starting this Sunday, August 1st, our LJG will meet in The White House. You will be able to enter the house from the back door until 9:30, at which point the door will be locked. The front door will remain unlocked all morning long. (Our room is on the first floor. If you enter from the front door, our room is the first one on the right.)
  • Happy Birthday to Laura Lindley this Wednesday, July 28th.
  • Happy Birthday to Scott Toth this Thursday, July 29th.
  • Welcome to our guests, Adam Peele and Jackie Norris. We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • August 14: Baby shower honoring the Hoods. The shower will be from 10am-12pm at Laura Pearman's House. Misty & Jeremy are registered at Target & Babies R Us. Click here to see a current food sign-up list. If you plan to attend and have not had a chance to sign up, please e-mail Melissa and let her know what you're going to bring!
  • August 15: Outreach lunch! Our LJG will sponsor a salad & pasta lunch for any and all young married/engaged couples looking for a LJG. Please be praying about possible friends, co-workers and neighbors you could invite to the lunch. Nathan & Ashlee are asking that each couple donate $10 toward the lunch. If you are not able to donate that much, please don't stress about it and give what you can. If you are able to donate more, the surplus would certainly be appreciated! If there is any extra money left after the lunch, it will be put toward future outreach events. Please make an extra effort to attend the lunch and meet & greet the guests the Lord sends our way!
  • September 18: Baby shower honoring Laura & Todd Lindley. More details coming soon!
LBC News

There will be a quarterly business meeting tonight after the evening service.

Fall Semester LifePlus Classes begin September 12th at 5pm! A list of classes being offered is available on the cover of the Lawndale Leader and on our website. Sign-up sheets will be at the LifePlus tables in the main lobby beginning August 29th.

MFs, GAs, and RAs: Fall Kick-off night is Wednesday, September 1. Our wonderful fall ministry opportunities are approaching for Preschool & Elementary Children. Find a place of service in Missions Education on Wednesdays from 6:15pm-7:15pm. RAs need assistant leaders in all grades (Neal Matthews, Director). GAs need leaders for grades 1-2 & grades 5-6, and also needs a director. MFs need leads and assistants in various age groups (Amy Arthur, Director). Excellent training is available for these leadership positions.
Promotion Sunday in LJGs: Sunday, September 5th

411: Sundays @ 6:15pm
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.
Middle School Lake Day: Saturday, August 7th from 9am-5pm. Come have fun at Belews Lake! Open to all students 6-8th grades (Current 2009-2010 year). Transportation to the lake will be provided. The cost is $12 per student and lunch will be provided. Please bring sunscreen, one-piece bathing suit and a towel. Notarized medical form is required. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Chapel.

Married Adults

Father/Son Camping Trip: July 31-August 1. If you are interested, contact Benjamin Bright at 643-1686 or
Operation Outreach: Sunday, August 1st at 4:00pm; meet in room 263.
Parenting 201: August 21st from 9am-Noon. Parents with children between the ages of 5-10 will benefit most from this course. The goal is to help equip parents in the character development on their children. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. 

DVDs of "Freedom's Never Free" are available for $7 in the church lobby on Sundays or in the church office during the week.

Additional Announcements
ARC (Adults Reaching Children): There will be a kick-off meeting on Sunday, August 1st at 5pm for any adults interested in reaching out to the children in our community. Once a month, we will meet and plan an event for the neighborhood children. The events will run August-May. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Tedrow at 638-5818 or
New York City Trip: Saturday, December 18th-Tuesday, December 21st. This trip is open to all who are interested. An informational meeting will be next Sunday, August 1 at 5:30 in Room 311 (Choir Suite).
Lost & Found Kitchenware: We have acquired a number of dishes left over from church activities and luncheons. If you are missing a platter, casserole dish, plate, etc. please check the table on the first floor hall across from the drink machines. All unclaimed dishes will be given to goodwill on August 31.  

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Misty's Shower!!

(Cute image of shower invitation to come!)

Baby Shower honoring 
Misty & Jeremy Hood

Saturday, August 14th, 10am-12pm
Laura Pearman's House

Misty & Jeremy are registered at Target and Babies R Us

Food Sign-Up
Lauren: Sausage balls
Laura: Egg souffle
Ashlee: Hash brown casserole
Melissa: Fruit

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Announcements: July 18, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Billy for another great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is Can I Believe in Resurrection? The background passage for next week is 1 Corinthians 15:1-16:24. The lesson passages for next is 1 Corinthians 15:1-6, 12-18, 50-52, 54b-57.
  • Welcome to our guests, David and Laurel Steele. We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • Welcome to our returning guests, Darren and Rebecca Gardner. We enjoyed having you with us again this morning.
  • Happy Birthday to Kathy Scott this Thursday, July 22nd.
  • Happy Anniversary to Matt & Melissa this Friday, July 23rd.
  • In an attempt to give our teachers as much time as possible, starting next week (July 25th), the lessons will begin at 9:15am. Announcements will be made at the end of our LJG time if time permits. If you plan to enjoy the wonderful breakfast snacks our class has to offer, please try to be in class by 9:10 so that our teachers may begin at 9:15. Thank you in advance for your help and attention to this matter!
  • August 1: Class lunch after church. Suggestions?? If we have a break in the heat wave, what about grabbing your own lunch and meeting up with everyone at Country Park so the kiddos can play on the playground?
  • August 14: Baby shower honoring the Hoods. The shower will be from 10am-12pm at Laura Pearman's house. Please bring a brunch item to share. Misty and Jeremy are registered at Target and Babies R Us.
  • August 15: Outreach Lunch! Our LJG will sponsor a salad/pasta lunch for any and all young married/engaged couples looking for a LJG. More details to come. Please be praying about possible friends, co-workers and neighbors you could invite to the lunch. 
LBC News

MFs, GAs, and RAs: RA leaders are needed to teach, lead and mentor 1st-6th grade boys. Leader training os offered at Lawndale and is very thorough. TO know more, please call Arvil Pennington in the church office, 288-3824, or Neal Matthews, 362-2237. If your interest is not in leading boys, how about GA girls or Mission Friends (3s-Kindergarten)?

411: Sundays @ 6:15pm
Fusion: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Chapel.

Married Adults

Marriage 301: Saturday, July 24th from 9am-Noon. 'Partnership for the Journey' is a class to help guide couples in the same direction. You will learn helpful principles to grow in oneness and like-mindedness. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. Also, if you will need childcare, please be sure to tell us the names and ages of your children.
Father/Son Camping Trip: July 31-August 1. If you are interested, contact Benjamin Bright at 643-1686 or
Operation Outreach: Sunday, August 1st at 4:00pm; meet in room 263.
Parenting 201: August 21st from 9am-Noon. Parents with children between the ages of 5-10 will benefit most from this course. The goal is to help equip parents in the character development on their children. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. 

DVDs of "Freedom's Never Free" will be available soon for $7 in the church lobby on Sundays or in the church office during the week.

Additional Announcements
Attention LifePlus Facilitators: The Fall Semester of LifePlus will begin Sunday, September 12th. If you have filled out a request form to teach a LifePlus class this semester, your syllabus is due to the church office by August 1st.
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, July 24th from 7:30am-10:30am. We are planning to do some additional mulching and pruning along the fence line of our campus. Bring your own tools. All help is appreciated!
ARC (Adults Reaching Children): There will be a kick-off meeting on Sunday, August 1st at 5pm for any adults interested in reaching out to the children in our community. Once a month, we will meet and plan an event for the neighborhood children. The events will run August-May. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Tedrow at 638-5818 or

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Announcements: July 11, 2010

Class News

  • Thanks Jeremy for a great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is How Can I Express Love? The background and lesson passage for next week is 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.
  • Welcome to our guests, Brendan & Lauren Wallace. We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • Happy Belated Anniversary to Nathan and Ashlee on July 1st.
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Greg Pearman on July 2nd.
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Billy Martin on July 9th.
  • August 14: Baby shower honoring the Hoods. More details to come!
  • For those not able to be in class today, we received a letter from Mary's House (Project 14:16 recipients). Below is a copy of the letter that was passed around on the clipboard today.
Dear Finding Common Ground members,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and clients we want to express our sincere appreciation for your donation to our agency. Your kindness is much appreciated! We believe the value of your gift is worth far more than words can express.

Mary's Homes is a joint project of Mary's House, the Greensboro Housing Authority and Family Services of the Piedmont. These are thirty scattered site homes for homeless mothers in recovery and their children. We provide case management and addiction counseling for these families.

Thank you again for selecting to support Mary's Homes and our mothers in recovery from drug addiction and their children. (Also included in the 3rd paragraph of the letter is Mary's House tax exemption number. If you care to have this for tax purposes, let me know and I will e-mail it to you instead of having it posted on the blog.)


Cheryl C Sandridge
Case Manager

LBC News

Join us TODAY for our church-wide picnic at Bur-Mil Park (Shelter #4)! Activities will begin at 4pm and dinner at 6pm. LBC will provide hot dogs, buns, chips and condiments. You are asked to bring side dishes. You will also need to bring drinks, cups, and ice for your family.

MFs, GAs, and RAs: RA leaders are needed to teach, lead and mentor 1st-6th grade boys. Leader training os offered at Lawndale and is very thorough. TO know more, please call Arvil Pennington in the church office, 288-3824, or Neal Matthews, 362-2237. If your interest is not in leading boys, how about GA girls or Mission Friends (3s-Kindergarten)?

Married Adults
Marriage 301: Saturday, July 24th from 9am-Noon. 'Partnership for the Journey' is a class to help guide couples in the same direction. You will learn helpful principles to grow in oneness and like-mindedness. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. Also, if you will need childcare, please be sure to tell us the names and ages of your children.
Father/Son Camping Trip: July 31-August 1. If you are interested, contact Benjamin Bright at 643-1686 or
Operation Outreach: Sunday, August 1st at 4:00pm; meet in room 263.
Parenting 201: August 21st from 9am-Noon. Parents with children between the ages of 5-10 will benefit most from this course. The goal is to help equip parents in the character development on their children. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at 288-3824. 

DVDs of "Freedom's Never Free" will be available soon for $7 in the church lobby on Sundays or in the church office during the week.

Additional Announcements
Attention LifePlus Facilitators: The Fall Semester of LifePlus will begin Sunday, September 12th. If you have filled out a request form to teach a LifePlus class this semester, your syllabus is due to the church office by August 1st.
Lawndale Prison Ministry: We are looking for volunteers to participate in a correspondence ministry. Letters of encouragement and testimony will be sent to the incarcerated to further God's kingdom. An orientation class covering the do's and don'ts of corresponding with those who are incarcerated will be held on Sunday, July 18th at 4pm in room 263. Anyone interested in obedience to the Lord through this ministry should contact James Moore at 202-5112. **More information to come, specifically for our class, from Nathan.**
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, July 24th from 7:30am-10:30am. We are planning to do some additional mulching and pruning along the fence line of our campus. 
ARC (Adults Reaching Children): There will be a kick-off meeting on Sunday, August 1st at 5pm for any adults interested in reaching out to the children in our community. Once a month, we will meet and plan an event for the neighborhood children. The events will run August-May. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Tedrow at 638-5818 or