Sunday, February 28, 2010

Buckets of Hope

North Carolina Baptist 
Buckets of Hope

Every North Carolina Baptist can have a hands-on, life changing affect upon the people of Haiti by participating in the "Buckets of Hope" ministry.

The "Buckets of Hope" is just one means by which North Carolina Baptists can fulfill the mandate of Jesus Christ to feed the hungry in the name of Jesus. 

As we are reminded in Matthew 25:45, Jesus tells us, "Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, yet did it not to me." (KJV)

The "Bucket of Hope" consists of a plastic five-gallon bucket packed with the specific items listed below. For approximately $30 you or your family can purchase the materials and assemble a "Bucket of Hope." In addition, North Carolina Baptists are requested to include a $5 or $10 cash contribution placed in an envelope and attached to the lid of the bucket, to offset the cost of transporting the relief buckets to Haiti.

North Carolina Statewide Collection deadline is Saturday, March 6th.

The following items are to be used to pack your "Bucket of Hope."

Please make sure you follow the list below when packing your bucket.

  • 2-5 pound bags of long grain enriched rice (smaller bags totaling 10 pounds are acceptable)
  • 1-48 ounce plastic bottle of cooking oil
  • 2-2 pound bags of dry red or black beans (smaller bags totaling 4 pounds are acceptable)
  • 1-5 pound bag of all-purpose flour
  • 1-20 ounce cylinder container of granulated white sugar
  • 2-1 pound boxes of spaghetti noodles
  • 1-40 ounce plastic jar of smooth peanut butter
  • 1-white kitchen trash can size plastic bag (which will be used to wrap the bottle of cooking oil)
"Buckets of Hope" Packing Instructions: 
Click here to see an instructional video
  1. As you pack the bucket, pray for the Haitian family that will receive the food.
  2. Lay the bucket on its side.
  3. Place rice packages in bucket. Lay bags side-by-side and flat running in the direction of top to bottom of bucket. Gently compress the bags (without breaking them) as flat as possible to create room for other items.
  4. Place bottle of oil inside a clean, unused trash bag and wrap the excess portion of the bag tightly around the bottle. (This is a precaution to protect the food items should there be leakage or a break in the bottle during transport)
  5. Lay the bottle of oil on top of the rice bags. Lay the wrapped oil container so that the bottom of the bottle is at the bottom of the bucket and is approximately in the center of the bucket.
  6. Place the peanut butter jar on one side of the oil.
  7. Place the cylinder of sugar on top of the wrapped oil bottle.
  8. Place boxes of spaghetti noodles on the other side of the oil bottle.
  9. While holding the sugar and peanut butter containers in place, stand bucket upright. 
  10. Place on bag of beans down along the inside of the bucket next to the peanut butter.
  11. Place bag of flour on its side on top of the peanut butter, gently packing down the flour bag to clear the rim of the bucket. 
  12. Place second bag of beans next to the flour on top of the peanut butter.
  13. Close lid on the bucket and make sure it is securely closed. 
  14. Place $5 to $10 cash (bills only) into a business size #10 or smaller envelope. Seal the envelope. Securely tape the envelope to the lid of the bucket. 
  15. Take the filled "Bucket of Hope" to your area collection center before March 6, 2010.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Announcements: February 14, 2010

Class News
  • Thank you Nathan, for another wonderful lesson! The title of next week's lesson is When You Have Difficult Decisions. The background passage for next week is Mark 14:1-72. The lesson passages for next week are Mark 14:32-39, 41-50.
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Misty Hood, this past Monday, February 15th!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, January 29th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will meet this coming Monday, February 22nd at 6:45 pm at Priscilla Martin's House. Please have the third week in the study guide completed before we meet. 
  • February 20: It's a Boy! Baby Shower honoring Juila and Scott Toth! The shower is from 10am-12pm at Lauren Holbrook's House. Please plan to bring something yummy to eat!
  • Beginning March 7th, our class will meet on the 3rd floor in room 318. We will also start class at 9:15am. Please make the extra effort to arrive 15 minutes earlier to give our teachers plenty of time to teach. We are also striving to have at least 30 people in attendance on March 7th.
  • This coming Sunday, February 22nd, we will not meet in our normal classroom for LJG. Richard Ross will be the guest speaker during both worship services on Sunday. The 9:15 service is going to be geared toward raising young children. We will attend the 9:15 service time in place of our LJG time. Richard Ross will speak on a different topic for the 10:45 service, so don't feel like you'll be hearing the same thing twice! :) (There will be no breakfast... So Marc, you're on your own!)
  • Breakfast dates for March and April are on the blog. If you would like to bring breakfast on one of the available dates, please let Melissa know.
Church News

Souper Chicks: This is a casual dinner event for women of all ages (High school and up) on Friday, March 12 from 6:00pm-9:00pm in the CLC. Join us for a night of lighthearted, feminine fun, music and door prizes! Menu will be soup, baked potato, and salad bar with grilled chicken strips. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, February 7th. You may purchase tickets online, church lobby or church office. Childcare is available by reservation only- call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824 no later than Monday, March 8th to secure childcare. Father-care is encouraged!

Saddle Ridge Ranch (VBS 2010): Set among the stunning vistas and wide open spaces of Big Sky Country, Saddle Ridge Ranch is a place where children can ask questions and discover the answers found in God's Word. It is now time to place a very important week on your calendar. Vacation Bible School, June 21-25, from 9:00am-12:00pm, with family night on June 24th at 7:00pm. Say "yes" when asked about serving as a Class Coordinator!

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Boot Camp Weekend: "Prepare for the Mission" will be held the weekend of March 19th-21st. Cost is $85 per student ($40 deposit is due at the time of registration), Registration begins on Sunday, January 31st in the church lobby. Scholarships are available.

Married Adults
Pre-Parenting Class: Saturday, March 20th from 9:00am-12:00pm. (I spoke with Rodney about this class and it would be beneficial for ANYONE in our LJG. The class will cover pre-parenting through parenting young children.)

Upward Soccer: Online registration for Upward Soccer will open on Monday, February 8th. Registration brochures will be mailed. Brochures are also available in the church office and several locations throughout the building. Registration fee is $70 and includes children 4 years old through 6th grade. Online registration will close on March 7th and all registration will close on March 11th.

Additional Announcements
New Beth Moore Study! Here and Now... There and Then: Join us for this 11 week lecture series on Revelation. Class begins on Friday, February 26th and continues through Friday, May 21st from 9:30am-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $9 for the viewer guide. You may register on our website or by calling the church office at 288-3824.
Food Drive for our Shepherd's Food Pantry: Our Spring Food Drive will help re-stock our food pantry to help our community. Bags will be given out on Sunday, February 21st. Please bring the following items: canned meat, canned fruit, cooking oil (small size), dried beans, pasta, rice, canned juice, peanut butter, soup, jam/jelly, spaghetti sauce, noodles, sugar (2 lb.), coffee/tea, flour (2 lb.), cereal, grits, oatmeal, pasta mixes, deoderant, paper towels, soap/shampoo, facial tissue, toilet paper, lotion, and toothbrushes/toothpaste.
Weekday Preschool Registration: If you are interested in enrolling your child for the school year 2010-2011, please contact Ann Johnson at 282-4177.
You Can Grow Phaleanopsis Orchids: Enjoy the beauty of growing this amazing variety of orchids with blooms that last for months. Join Arvil Pennington on Monday, March 1st from 7:00pm-8:00pm in the CLC to learn about these plants. There is no charge, but you must register. Call the church office, 288-3824 to register. Orchid door prizes will be given.
Dr. Richard Ross: Will be speaking during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 21st. He will encourage and challenge us in building and repairing relationships with our children, and guiding them in their spiritual development. Join us for this special day!
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, March 20th from 8:30am-11:30am.
Washer & Dryer Needed: A family in our church is in need of a washer and dryer. If you can help with this need, please contact Arvil Pennington at 288-3824.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Announcements: February 7, 2010

Class News

  • Thanks Billy for another wonderful lesson! The title of next week's lesson is When You Feel Overwhelmed. The background passage for next week is Mark 13:1-37. The lesson passages for next week are mark 13:9-13, 21-27, 32-37. 
  • Happy Birthday to Monica Sigmon, tomorrow, February 8th!
  • Inclement Weather: If we have any more snow this year that conflicts with our Bible Study days, we will follow Guilford County Schools as our guide. Men, if GCS has a cancellation or delay, Bible Study will be postponed until the following week. Ladies, if GCS has a cancellation or early release (due to weather), Bible Study will be postponed until the following week.
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, January 29th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue. Please have chapter 7 complete for this study. All men are welcome!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will meet at 6:45pm on Monday, February 8th at Ashlee Wallace's house. Please have the first week of the learner guide completed before we meet. We will watch the 2nd video during our time together.
  • Beginning March 7th, our class will meet on the 3rd floor in room 318. We will also start class at 9:15am. Please make the extra effort to arrive 15 minutes earlier to give our teachers plenty of time to teach. We are also striving to have at least 30 people in attendance on March 7th.
Church News

There will be no evening service. Plan to enjoy the Super Bowl with your Life Journey Group!

Saddle Ridge Ranch (VBS 2010): Set among the stunning vistas and wide open spaces of Big Sky Country, Saddle Ridge Ranch is a place where children can ask questions and discover the answers found in God's Word. It is now time to place a very important week on your calendar. Vacation Bible School, June 21-25, from 9:00am-12:00pm, with family night on June 24th at 7:00pm. Say "yes" when asked about serving as a Class Coordinator!

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Middle School Laser Tag: On Saturday, January 16th, we will meet at Lazer X of Greensboro from 1:00pm-3:00pm. For more information, contact your LJG teacher.
Super Bowl Party: TODAY, February 7th from 5:30pm-12:00am in the CLC. Cost is $7 and 1 can of soup for our food pantry.
Boot Camp Weekend: "Prepare for the Mission" will be held the weekend of March 19th-21st. Cost is $85 per student ($40 deposit is due at the time of registration), Registration begins on Sunday, January 31st in the church lobby. Scholarships are available.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: TODAY, February 7th at 4:00pm; Meet in Room 216 for assignments and materials.
Pre-Parenting Class: Saturday, March 20th from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Men's Softball League: Registration is now open. Any men interested in playing should send the $30 registration fee to Jimmy no later than Sunday, February 14th. Those who played last year will remain on the same team unless released by your coach. New players will be drafted by team coaches. 
Upward Soccer: Online registration for Upward Soccer will open on Monday, February 8th. Registration brochures will be mailed. Brochures are also available in the church office and several locations throughout the building. Registration fee is $70 and includes children 4 years old through 6th grade. Online registration will close on March 7th and all registration will close on March 11th.

Additional Announcements
Weekday Preschool Registration: Due to weather closings, registration for the 2010-2011 school year will begin for church members on the first day we return to school. Non-church members will begin on Monday, February 8th. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please contact Ann Johnson at 282-4177.
Souper Chicks: This is a casual dinner event for women of all ages (High school and up) on Friday, March 12 from 6:00pm-9:00pm in the CLC. Join us for a night of lighthearted, feminine fun, music and door prizes! Menu will be soup, baked potato, and salad bar with grilled chicken strips. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, February 7th. You may purchase tickets online, church lobby or church office. Childcare is available by reservation only- call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824 no later than Monday, March 8th to secure childcare. Father-care is encouraged!
2010 Flower Calendar: Don't forget to sign-up for flowers in honor or memory of a loved one! You may sign-up in the hallway across from the CLC lobby desk.
You Can Grow Phaleanopsis Orchids: Enjoy the beauty of growing this amazing variety of orchids with blooms that last for months. Join Arvil Pennington on Monday, March 1st from 7:00pm-8:00pm in the CLC to learn about these plants. There is no charge, but you must register. Call the church office, 288-3824 to register. Orchid door prizes will be given.
Dr. Richard Ross: Will be speaking during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 21st. He will encourage and challenge us in building and repairing relationships with our children, and guiding them in their spiritual development. Join us for this special day!
Weather Related Closings: In the event of inclement weather, please check with WFMY Channel 2 or for announcements regarding LBC delays and closings. For Senior Adult Luncheons and Weekday-Preschool, we will follow the Guilford County School closing schedule. 
Church-Wide Workday: Saturday, March 20th from 8:30am-11:30am.