Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Announcements: April 18, 2010

Class News

  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson!
  • Happy Birthday to Amanda Elliott this Saturday, April 24th!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, April 16th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue. All men are welcome!
  • April 24: Class Social! Our class will have dinner as a group at 5:30pm at Red Robin (Jefferson Village Shopping Center). Following dinner, everyone will meet back in the CLC at church for games!
  • May Small Group Social: We will start having small group dinners every other month starting in May. Couples who wish to participate will be put in groups with about 6 other people. Once you have signed up, a group "leader" will contact you to determine a date, time and location for your group to meet during the month of May. If you are interested in taking part of our small group dinner next month and have not signed up, please contact Misty so she can add you to a group! We hope that by meeting with different small groups every other month, our class members will have the chance to get to know each other better!
LBC News

Will Your Child Have Faith? Workshop: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm, Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824.
VBS Saddle Ridge Ranch: VBS will be held the week of June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon. Registration opens April 11th. Be sure to register early. You may register at the Children's Welcome Desk, in the lobby, or on our website. VBS is open to children ages 4 (by 6/21) through completed 8th grade.
VBS Leadership Training: We are happy to host the regional VBS training on Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Childcare is available with reservations. To register, contact the church office at 288-3824.

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Middle School VBS: June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon; Registration begins on Sunday, April 11th online and in the church lobby.
Parent Meeting and Lunch: Sunday, April 25th from 12:15pm-1:30pm in the CLC. Topics of discussion will recap this year's events in Student Ministry, Summer Camp 2010, and a preview of other upcoming summer activities. A pizza and salad bar lunch will be provided at $3/person (max of $12/family). Registration will be available online beginning April 4th and in the church lobby beginning April 11th.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5th-9th. Registration for "Consumed Summer Camp" begins on Sunday, April 11th and is open to all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is  $275 per student. Registration will be available in the church lobby and online at www.lawndalebaptist.org. For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: May 2nd at 4:00pm in room 216.
National Day of Prayer: We will gather collectively in the chapel on May 6th from 12:15-12:45pm to pray for our nation.
Marriage Conference: LBC is hosting a marriage conference based on Song of Songs. Dr. Danny Akin, President of SEBTS, will be the conference leadder. Please make plans to attend on May 15th from 9:00am-2:30pm. Registration is $20/couple and will cover lunch, childcare and materials. 
LJG Teachers Meeting: Sunday, May 23rd from 5-6pm in room 217.

Summer Sports Camps: Registration is now open online for our Summer Sports Camps from 1st through 6th grade boys and girls. Registration forms are also available outside Jimmy's office and in the Receptionist's office.

Additional Announcements
She & Me Tea: Saturday, May 8th at 11:00am in the CLC. Featuring our own Leigh Brock! Tickets are $5 each and will go on sale Sunday, April 11th.
Needed for Nicaragua Mission Trip: Kim Thomas and her family will participate in a July Mission Trip to Nicaragua. You can assist by donating jump ropes and deflated soccer and basketballs. Leave your donation at the collection area on the first floor.
Savannah Scenes & Paula Deen's: Enjoy an early fall trip to Savannah, GA on September 24-26, 2010. We will use our mini bus for transportation which limits the trip to 31 people. Watch for registration information and more details. Arvil Pennington will coordinate this trip.
Annual Leadership Banquet: Thursday, May 20th at 6pm in the CLC.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Announcements: April 11, 2010

 Class News

  • Thanks Nathan for another great lesson! The title of next week's lesson is What Are Your Ground Rules? THe background passage for next week is Exodus 19:1-24:18. The lessons passage for next week is Exodus 20:1-17.
  • Welcome to our returning guests, Ashley Price (Monica's sister) and Adam Hamil. We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, April 16th at 6:30am at Chick-fil-A on Battleground Avenue.
  • April 17: Baby shower honoring Lauren and Marc Holbrook. Click here for all of the details and a current food sign-up list.
  • April 24: Class Social! Our class will have dinner as a group at 5:30pm (Location TBD). Following dinner, everyone will meet back in the CLC at church for games!
  • May Small Group Social: We will start having small group dinners every other month starting in May. Couples who wish to participate will be put in groups of 6 people. Once you have signed up, a group 'leader' will contact you to determine a date, time and location for your group to meet during the month of May. If you are interested in taking part of our small group dinner next month and have not signed up, please contact Melissa so she can add you to the list! We hope that by meeting with different small groups every other month, our class members will have the chance to get to know each other better!
LBC News

Will Your Child Have Faith? Workshop: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm, Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824.
VBS Saddle Ridge Ranch: VBS will be held the week of June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon. Registration opens April 11th. Be sure to register early. You may register at the Children's Welcome Desk, in the lobby, or on our website. VBS is open to children ages 4 (by 6/21) through completed 8th grade.
VBS Class Coordinator Meeting: Wednesday, April 14th from 6:15pm-7:15pm, in room 217.
VBS Leadership Training: We are happy to host the regional VBS training on Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Childcare is available with reservations. To register, contact the church office at 288-3824.

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Middle School VBS: June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon; Registration begins on Sunday, April 11th online and in the church lobby.
Parent Meeting and Lunch: Sunday, April 25th from 12:15pm-1:30pm in the CLC. Topics of discussion will recap this year's events in Student Ministry, Summer Camp 2010, and a preview of other upcoming summer activities. A pizza and salad bar lunch will be provided at $3/person (max of $12/family). Registration will be available online beginning April 4th and in the church lobby beginning April 11th.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5th-9th. Registration for "Consumed Summer Camp" begins on Sunday, April 11th and is open to all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is  $275 per student. Registration will be available in the church lobby and online at www.lawndalebaptist.org. For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event.

Married Adults
Marriage Conference: LBC is hosting a marriage conference based on Song of Songs. Dr. Danny Akin, President of SEBTS, will be the conference leadder. Please make plans to attend on May 15th from 9:00am-2:30pm. Registration is $20/couple and will cover lunch, childcare and materials. 
LJG Teachers Meeting: Sunday, May 23rd from 5-6pm in room 217.

Upward Soccer Coaches and Officials Needed: As a coach or official, you have a tremendous opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of the players and their families. If interested, contact Jimmy at 288-3824 or jjackson@lawndalebaptist.org.

Additional Announcements
She & Me Tea: Saturday, May 8th at 11:00am in the CLC. Featuring our own Leigh Brock! Tickets are $5 each and will go on sale Sunday, April 11th.
Quarterly Business Meeting: Sunday, April 18th following the Evening Worship Service. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Announcements: April 4, 2010

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson!
  • This Sunday, April 11th, we will meet at Salsarita's after church for our monthly lunch. We hope everyone can make it! 
  • Congratulations to Scott and Julia Toth on the birth of their second son, Charlie, on March 31st. A dinner sign-up sheet will be available soon!
  • April 17: Baby Shower honoring Lauren and Marc Holbrook. Click here for all of the details and a current food sign-up list.
  • April 24: Class Social. Our class will have dinner as a group at 5:30pm (Location TBD). Following dinner, everyone will meet back in the CLC at church for games! 
  • May Small Group Social: We will start having small group dinners every other month starting in May. Couples who wish to participate will be put in groups of 6 people. Once you have signed up, a group 'leader' will contact you to determine a date, time and location for your group to meet during the month of May. If you are interested in taking part of our small group dinner next month and have not signed up, please contact Melissa so she can add you to the list! We hope that by meeting with different small groups every other month, our class members will have the chance to get to know each other better!
LBC News

Parent/Child Dedication: Our next Parent/Child Dedication Service will be on Sunday, April 18th. Letters have been mailed to families that we know have recently had a baby. If you have not received a letter, but would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824 or cmckinney@lawndalebaptist.org.
Will Your Child Have Faith?: On Sunday, April 25th from 4:00pm-7:00pm Janice Haywood is coming back to LBC! Janice has been a preschool and grade-school chidren's ministry specialist for NC Baptists for over 33 years. Snack, supper and childcare will be provided. Workshop will be in the Fellowship Hall. To register for the workshop and childcare, please contact Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. There is a nce door prize for the first 15 who register (not from the same family)!
VBS Saddle Ridge Ranch: VBS will be held the week of June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon. Registration opens April 11th. Be sure to register early. You may register at the Children's Welcome Desk, in the lobby, or on our website. VBS is open to children ages 4 (by 6/21) through completed 8th grade.
VBS Class Coordinator Meeting: Wednesday, April 14th from 6:15pm-7:15pm, in room 217.
VBS Leadership Training: We are happy to host the regional VBS training on Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Childcare is available with reservations. To register, contact the church office at 288-3824. 

411: Sundays at 6:15pm (Middle School meets in Room 310).
Fusion: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the CLC.
Middle School VBS: June 21st-25th from 9:00am-Noon; Registration begins on Sunday, April 11th online and in the church lobby.
Parent Meeting and Lunch: Sunday, April 25th from 12:15pm-1:30pm in the CLC. Topics of discussion will recap this year's events in Student Ministry, Summer Camp 2010, and a preview of other upcoming summer activities. A pizza and salad bar lunch will be provided at $3/person (max of $12/family). Registration will be available online beginning April 4th and in the church lobby beginning April 11th.
Summer Camp @ Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat: July 5th-9th. Registration for "Consumed Summer Camp" begins on Sunday, April 11th and is open to all 6th-12th graders. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The cost is  $275 per student. Registration will be available in the church lobby and online at www.lawndalebaptist.org. For scholarships, please contact Student Ministries. A 2009-2010 notarized medical form is required for this event.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Sunday, April 11th. Meet in room 216 for assignments.
Marriage Conference: LBC is hosting a marriage conference based on Song of Songs. Dr. Danny Akin, President of SEBTS, will be the conference leadder. Please make plans to attend on May 15th from 9:00am-2:30pm. Registration is $20/couple and will cover lunch, childcare and materials. 
LJG Teachers Meeting: Sunday, May 23rd from 5-6pm in room 217.

Upward Soccer Coaches and Officials Needed: As a coach or official, you have a tremendous opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of the players and their families. If interested, contact Jimmy at 288-3824 or jjackson@lawndalebaptist.org.

Additional Announcements
She & Me Tea: Saturday, May 8th at 11:00am in the CLC. Featuring our own Leigh Brock! Tickets are $5 each and will go on sale Sunday, April 11th.
Quarterly Business Meeting: Sunday, April 18th following the Evening Worship Service. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lauren's Shower

(Click on the image to enlarge)

If you plan to attend Lauren's shower and you have not had a chance to sign up, please contact Melissa. We need an accurate head count for one of the activities! :)

Food Sign-Up
Melissa: Cake
Ashlee: Hashbrown Casserole
Monica: Sausage Balls
Misty: Pumpkin Muffins
Laura L: Chips & Salsa
Amanda: Veggie Tray
Laura P: Egg Casserole
April: ??