Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Announcements: October 25, 2009

Class News

  • Thanks Billy for another great lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Billy's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is When I Am Afflicted. The background passage for next week is Psalm 102:1-28. The lesson passages for next week are Psalm 102:1-14, 24-28.
  • Reminder: Daylight Savings ends next weekend! Be sure to set your clock back an hour before going to sleep on Saturday!
  • Happy Anniversary to Jeremy & Misty this Wednesday, October 28th!
  • Upcoming Dates: 
  1. October 31: Men's Flag Football Game! Guys, a flag football game has been planned for anyone interested at 9am at Bur-Mil Park. Invite a friend or neighbor! For the exact location or any questions, contact Jeremy.
  2. October 31: Fall Spectacular! 5:30pm-9:00pm in the church parking lot!
  3. November 1: Operation Outreach
  4. November 13: Candlelight Coffee
  5. November 14: Church Workday
  6. December 1: Deadline to sign up for a Christmas Poinsettia
  7. December 12 & 13: Greensboro Christmas Spectacular
Church News

Feeding the 5000: On four consecutive Sundays, we are seeking to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed 5 people per box. We will distribute the boxes to families in our community on Tuesday, November 24th.
  • TODAY- Donation for hams ($8 each)
  • November 1st- Green Beans (50 oz. can)
  • November 8th- Yams (40-50 oz. can)
  • November 15th- Bag of rice (32 oz.)
Quarterly Business Meeting: TONIGHT following the evening service to vote on the proposed changes to church by-laws.

Operation Christmas Child: Shoeboxes must be returned to the church by November 15th. We still have a few slots remaining for our trip to process the shoeboxes in Boone on November 30th-December 2nd. We will travel to Boone on November 29th. Your reservation deposit of $25 holds your place. Mark your check "Boone Mission Trip" and make it payable to LBC. Your only cost will be a motel rate of $49.99 (up to 4 per room) and your meals. 

Preschool Choir: Join us on Sundays at 5:00pm in Room 146 (3s), 148 (4s), and 150 (5K) as we prepare for our Christmas performance!

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Sunday, November 1st at 4:00pm in Room 216.

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets will be available for $5/ticket beginning Sunday, November 1st. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance. 

Additional Announcements
Fall Spectacular: Our annual Fall Spectacular will be on Saturday, October 31st from 5:30pm-9:00pm. As always, we need lots of volunteers. Contact Jimmy if you would like to help. We are collecting candy donations on the 1st floor. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped and must not contain nuts!

The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm (pleas use the Main Lobby Entrance). Women of all ages (6th grade and older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses, and silverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa! Be sure to bring your camera! You may purchase tickets in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season.

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adopt" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting November 2nd, a special "Angel" Christmas tree will be located in the main lobby with the names of children to be adopted. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Church Workday: The Grounds Committee is calling everyone to help spruce up our campus on Saturday, November 14th from 8:30am-11:30am. Please bring your rakes, pruners, shovels, gloves, wheelbarrows or whatever tool you most prefer using.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Announcements: October 18, 2009

Class News
  • Thanks Nathan for another wonderful lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Nathan's lesson later this week. The title of next week's lesson is When I Have Doubts. The background passage for next week is Psalm 73:1-28. The lesson passages for next week are Psalm 73:1-5, 12-20, 25-28.
  • Reminder: Please be prepared for class to start at 9:20am next week. We hope that the extra 10 minutes will give teachers extra time if necessary at the end of the lesson, and help us clear out of the room before the class after us needs to enter. Thanks! :)
  • Happy Belated Birthday to Ashley Breed this past Sunday, October 18th!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, October 23rd at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground. All men are welcome!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. October 31: Men's Flag Football Game! Guys, a flag football game has been planned for anyone interested at 9am at Bur-Mil Park. More details to come.
  2. October 31: Fall Spectacular!! 5:30pm-9:00pm.

Church News

Operation Christmas Child: Shoeboxes must be returned to the church by November 18th. We still have a few slots remaining for our trip to process shoeboxes in Boone on November 30 - December 2. We will travel to Boone on November 29th. Your reservation deposit of $25 holds your place. Mark your check "Boone Mission Trip" and make it payable to LBC. Your only cost will be a motel rate of $49.99 (up to 4 per room) and your meals.

Preschool Choir: Join us on Sundays at 5:00pm in Rooms 146 (3s), 148 (4s), and 150 (5K) as we prepare for our Christmas performance!

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Sunday, November 1st at 4:00pm in Room 216. 

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets will be available for $5/ticket beginning Sunday, November 1st. As always, complimentary tickets are available for each performance. 

Annual Fall Spectacular: Saturday, October 31st from 5:30pm-9:00pm. As always, we need lots of volunteers. Contact Jimmy if you would like to help. We are collecting candy donations on the 1st floor. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped and must not contain nuts!       

Additional Announcements
Feeding the 5000: In four consecutive Sundays, we are seeking to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed 5 people per box. On Sunday, October 25th, we will need 1000 donations of $8 to buy a ham for each box. Specially marked envelopes will be provided in advance for this outreach offering. Each of the follwing Sundays, we will be asking for specific items to be dropped off in our collection area.
  • October 25: Donation for hams ($8)
  • November 1: Green Beans (50 oz. can)
  • November 8: Yams (40-50 oz. can)
  • November 15: Bag of Rice (32 oz.)   
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm (Please use Main Lobby Entrance). Women of all ages (6th grade adn older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music, and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses and sliverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa! Be sure you bring your camera! You may purchase tickets in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season!

Angel Tree Ministry of Prison Fellowship: Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will need volunteers to "adpot" a child and purchase gifts for the child. Starting November 22nd, a special "Angel" Christmas tree will be located in the main lobby with the names of children to be adopted. Please prayerfully consider including a child in your Christmas gift giving this year. For more information, please contact Maryann Kingsmill at 540-0605.

Christmas Poinsettias: You can begin signing up on November 1st to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one. The deadline will be Tuesday, December 1st. 

Church Workday: The Grounds Committee is calling everyone to help spruce up our campus on Saturday, November 14th from 8:30am-11:30am.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Announcements: October 11, 2009

Class News

  • Thanks Jeremy for another great lesson! Be on the lookout for notes from Jeremy's lesson later this week! The title of next week's lesson is When I Am Afraid. The background passage for next week is Psalm 56:1-13. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 56:1-13. 
  • Reminder: Please be prepared for class to start at 9:20am next week. We hope that the extra 10 minutes will give our teachers extra time if necessary at the end of the lesson, and help us clear out of the room before the class after us needs to enter. Thanks! :)
  • Welcome to our visitors, Chris & Amanda Elliott! We enjoyed having you with us this morning!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will continue Monday, October 12th at 6:45pm at Ashlee Wallace's House. Donna Navey is leading this study. All women are welcome! Click here if you need directions to Ashlee's (please disregard the dates and times as they are from a previous study).
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, October 16th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground. Rodney Navey is leading this study. All men are welcome!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. October 17: Baby shower honoring Priscilla & Billy Martin! Click here to see all of the details and a current food sign-up list.
  2. October 31: Men's Flag Football Game! Guys, a flag football game has been planned for anyone interested at 9am at Bur-Mil Park. More details to come.
  3. October 31: Fall Spectacular!! 5:30pm-9pm.
Church News

*Special Called Business Meeting: Following the evening service TONIGHT to discuss proposed changes to the church by-laws.
*Pastors' Appreciation Night: TONIGHT at 6:45pm, following an abbreviated service. Refreshments will follow in the CLC.

Operation Christmas Child: Kick-off will be on Sunday, October 11th and shoe boxes must be returned to the church by November 18th. We still have a few slots remaining for our trip to process shoe boxes in Boone on November 30th-December 2nd. We will travel to Boone on November 29th. Your reservation deposit of $25 holds your place. Mark your check "Boone Mission Trip" and make it payable to LBC. Your only cost will be a motel rate of $49.99 (up to 4 per room) and your meals.

Preschool Choir: Join us on Sundays at 5:00pm in Rooms 146 (3's), 148 (4's), & 150 (5/K) as we prepare for our Christmas performance.

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets will be available beginning Sunday, November 1st. 

Annual Fall Spectacular: Saturday, October 31st, and as always, we will need LOTS of volunteers. Contact Jimmy at 288-3824 if you would like to help. We are also collecting candy donations on the 1st floor collection area. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped! Please do not donate products containing nuts- some children are highly allergic!

Additional Announcements
Feeding of the 5000: In four consecutive Sundays, we are seeking to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed five people per box. On Sunday, October 25th, we will need 1000 donations of $8 to buy a ham for each box. Specially marked envelopes will be provided in advance for this outreach offering. Each of the following Sundays, we will be asking for specific items to be dropped off in our collection area.
  • October 25: $8 donation for hams
  • November 1: Green beans (50 oz. can)
  • November 8: Yams (40 or 50 oz. can)
  • November 15: Bag of rice (32 oz.)
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm -9:00pm (Please use the Main Lobby Entrance). Women of all ages (6th grade and older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music, and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses and silverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa! Be sure to bring your camera! You may purchase tickets in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season!

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team - Sharing Hope in Crisis Seminar: Saturday, October 17th at Westover Church. Registration fee is $25 and includes all materials and a box lunch. To register, call the Westover Church office at 299-7374 ext. 3042 or e-mail When tragedy strikes, how can you share the love of Christ? What should you do? What should you say? What should you not say? The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team invites you to a one-day seminar in Greensboro that will equip you to respond effectively and appropriately to hurting people and bring the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those who feel that hope is lost.

Women's Mentor Training: Saturday, October 24th from 9:00am-2:00pm. $6 fee includes snack and lunch. Contact Donna Navey or e-mail

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Announcements: October 4, 2009

Class News

  • Thanks Billy for another great lesson! The title of next week's lesson is When I Have Sinned. The background passage for next week is Psalm 51:1-19. The lesson passage for next week is Psalm 51:1-13. 
  • Scripture Memory Challenge: Here are the two verses Nathan & Billy have challenged us to memorize!
  1. Psalm 19:14: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
  2. Psalm 23:1: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
  • Please be prepared for class to start at 9:20am next week. We hope that the extra 10 minutes will give our teachers extra time if necessary at the end of the lesson, and help us clear out of the room before the class after us needs to enter. Thanks! :)
  • Happy Birthday to Matt Gardner, this Tuesday, October 6th!
  • Happy Anniversary to Billy & Priscilla Martin this Wednesday, October 7th!
  • Women's Bible Study: Will continue Monday, October 5th at 6:45pm at Ashlee Wallace's House. Donna Navey is leading this course. All women are welcome!
  • Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, October 9th at 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground. All men are welcome!
  • Last Week's Lesson: Click here to view Nathan's notes from his lesson last week. Be on the lookout for an e-mail from Billy once the notes from today's lesson are posted on the blog as well!
  • October 17: Baby shower honoring Priscilla & Billy Martin! Click here to see all of the details and a current food sign-up list.
Church News

Operation Christmas Child: Kick-off will be on Sunday, October 11th and shoeboxes must be returned to the church by November 18th. We still have a few slots remaining for our trip to process shoeboxes in Boone on November 30th-December 2nd. We will travel to Boone on November 29th. Your reservation deposit of $25 holds your place. Mark your check "Boone Mission Trip" and make it payable to LBC. Your only cost will be a motel rate of $49.99 (up to 4 per room) and your meals.

Married Adults
Marriage Seminars: Please register with Jennifer Wilson at 288-3824 at least a week before the event. If childcare is needed, please indicate the child's name and age. 
  • Premarriage/Newly Married Class: Scheduled for 7 Wednesday nights beginning October 7th. 
Annual Fall Spectacular: Saturday, October 31st and as always, we will need lots of volunteers. Contact Jimmy at 288-3824 if you would like to help. We are also collecting candy donations on the 1st floor collection area. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped. Please do not donate products containing nuts - some children are highly allergic!

Greensboro Christmas Spectacular: "When Love Came Down" is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00pm and December 13th at 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Tickets will be available beginning Sunday, November 1st.

Additional Announcements
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team - Sharing Hope in Crisis Seminar: Saturday, October 17th at Westover Church. Registration fee is $25 and includes all materials and a box lunch. To register, call the Westover church office at 299-7374 ext. 3042 or e-mail When tragedy strikes, how can you share the love of Christ? What should you do? What should you say? What should you not say? The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team invites you to a one-day seminar in Greensboro that will equip you to respond effectively and appropriately to hurting people and bring the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those who feel that hope is lost. 

Pastor's Appreciation Night: Sunday, October 11th at 6:45pm, following an abbreviated service. Refreshments will follow in the CLC.

Women's Mentor Training: Saturday, October 24th from 9:00am-2:00pm. $6 fee includes snacks and lunch. Contact Donna Navey or e-mail to enroll.

Feeding of the 5000: In four consecutive Sundays (October 25th, November 1st, November 8th and November 15th), we are seeking to collect enough food to fill 1000 boxes with a meal that will feed five people per box. On Sunday, October 25th, we will need 1000 donations of $8 to buy a ham for each box. Specially marked envelopes will be provided in advance for this outreach offering. Each of the following Sundays, we will be asking for specific items (green beans, yams, rice) to be dropped off in our collection area. More information will be provided in our lobby along with reminders from the pulpit regarding product sizes and corresponding dates for each item.

The Candlelight Coffee: Will be held Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Women of all ages (6th grade and older) will be inspired by breathtaking table decorations, music and conversation of the upcoming season. Tables will be set and decorated by women of our church with their own china, glasses and silverware on which you will be served tea sandwiches, dessert, coffee, tea, or cocoa! Be sure to bring your camera! Tickets go on sale Sunday, October 4th in the main lobby or online until Tuesday, November 10th ($5 each). Please sign up in the lobby to receive a complimentary ticket if you would enjoy setting and hosting a table! Limited childcare will be available by reservation only (babies through 10 years). Fathercare is encouraged! If you will need childcare, please call Jennifer Wilson in the church office at 288-3824. Join us for this delightful event that launches the holiday season!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sign Up for Priscilla's Shower!

Please sign up to bring a brunch item to Priscilla's shower! If you plan to attend, and have not had a chance to sign up, please e-mail Melissa to let her know what you are bringing!
(You can click on the image to enlarge it, if needed)

Ashlee: Hashbrown Casserole
Lauren: Sausage Balls
Monica: ???
Melissa: ???
April: ???

Thursday, October 1, 2009

9/27/2009 Lesson Overview

"God is Great"
(Psalm 135:1-18)

What are some common uses of the word "great"?
Great Depression - Great Scott - Great Balls of Fire - Grrreeaat!