Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lesson Overview 10/25/2009

Psalm 73 1-28

Pliney, a governor in Asia Minor in AD 112 wrote to his emperor on how to handle Christians. He had been killing all of them, so many, in fact, that he wondered if he should only start killing certain ones. He had forced them to bow down to a statue of the emperor, and “made them curse Christ, which a genuine Christian cannot be induced to do.”

Just 80 years after the death of Christ his followers were determined to follow him regardless of the consequences.

Q: Do we have this kind of faith, and, if not, what can we do to develop this kind of faith?

Doubts – Anything that causes us to question our faith.

Doubting Thomas: John 20:24-29

Thomas is often seen as “bad” in this story, but he is exhibiting the same doubts that many people have faced. When he saw the evidence, he declared Jesus as “My Lord and my God!”

Notice that Jesus recognizes that everyone will not get the first hand account that Thomas did.

Psalm 73: Written by Asaph, one of David’s leading musicians. Wrote 12 psalms.

V. 1-5 & 10-13

1-5 indicate that Asaph is talking about a previous time, when he nearly stumbled. His exact problem was jealousy towards the prosperous unbeliever. V. 6-9 just continue his argument.

v. 10: God’s people are turning towards the wicked, and question God (v. 11)

v. 13: The real problem: Is my faith in vain?

We all have doubts at some point (60% of psalms at some point deal with the question “Where is God?”)

The question we have to ask ourselves is whether we will allow doubt to drive us away from God or closer to Him.

Q: Is anyone willing to share a question/experience that made them doubt their faith?

4 Levels of doubt:

1) Refusal to believe
2) Excuses – “doubts” allow lazy faith; Romans 1:20 (men are without excuse)
3) Fear – am I saved if I have questions/doubts?
4) Sincere – The questions exist but we seek answers.

IS MY FAITH IN VAIN? – Common questions/issues that cause doubt

Why do non-believers often live prosperous lives?

Why is there evil?

Why is there suffering?

Where is God when I suffer?

Why aren’t my prayers answered?

Who created God?

The Bible is just a myth like any other religion.

The Bible is inconsistent

The OT God is angry.

I’m too insignificant for God to notice.

I’ve never seen a miracle.

Science has put God out of a job.

Many animals are poorly designed

God would not send people to hell.

What about people who have never heard the gospel?

Jesus was just a good teacher.

It’s offensive to claim Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Too many Christians don’t live like they should.

Religion is just a crutch for the weak.

The resurrection cannot be proven.

Christianity was used to endorse evil, such as the crusades.

Christians are too judgmental.

Christians are hypocrites.

Churches just want your money.

Noah’s ark makes no sense.

Who was Cain’s wife?

Did Jonah really live in the belly of a fish?

Can a virgin actually give birth?

Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

We may have not have all the answers but we should seek to understand with sincerity…so how did Asaph deal with his doubts?

V. 14-20

v. 15: Asaph did not talk about his doubts. Do you agree with his decision? (It does say he did not want to betray God’s children.)

v. 16: Asaph couldn’t come to a complete understanding on his own, and we have to be willing to accept that.

v. 17: He understood upon entering the presence of God. What does he mean?

v. 25-28

Asaph confirms his renewed faith with an understanding of who God is and how we relate to Him. V.1 says “Surely God is good to Israel” but Asaph’s problem was his definition of the word “good”. He viewed it as temporary blessings and reward, when

Christ is our eternal blessing regardless of our circumstances.

We will not understand all issues or situations, but understand the central issue: Do I have faith in Christ?

Faith is not about feelings (aka the perpetual high, or always thinking positive about everything in life). It is about a living God.

Faith must be put in something real. I can put all of my faith in a thin layer of ice on top of a lake and end up a cold wet mess.

Faith in Christ is not good because it "works". For example, if I become Buddhist and begin meditating everyday, then discover that my blood pressure has lowered, does that mean Buddhism is true? No! Faith in Christ is good because God is real.

Meet “Ardi”: Ardipithecus ramidus, first discovered in the early 1990’s, a recent report stated it was the best evidence for the evolution of man. It was all over the news for about a week.

BUT…a closer examination reveals the truth. A scientist who took part in the study said it had very little similarities between either chimps or humans. Not only that, but the fossils used to rebuild the entire structure were small and broke easily. The researchers involved also said there is a very good possibility that Ardi was an extinct ape completely separate from chimps or humans.

The world wants you to question God: I Peter 3:15 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this gentleness and respect.”