- Next week we will begin our summer series, studying the book of Acts. We have extra copies of the learner guide in the LJG room. The title of next weeks lesson is Empowered to Witness. The background passage is Acts 1:1-2:47. The lesson passages for next week are: Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-6, 37-41.
- Happy Birthday to Stephen Vaughn TODAY, Sunday, May 25th!
- If you would like to provide breakfast/juice on June 1st let Matt or Melissa know.
- Upcoming Dates:
- June 7: "Aloha" Luau for the Nettles, Vaughns & Holbrooks. Check out the blog post titled "Aloha Luau" for all of the details. We will have hard copies of the invitation for you to take on Sunday mornings. **Please bring your own lawn chairs!**
- June 14: Baby shower honoring Misty Hood. Check out the blog post titled "Misty's Shower!!" for all of the details.
- July 13: Outreach lunch (more to come, but please put this date on your calendar!!)
Promoter News
VBS: 2008 Vacation Bible School- Outrigger Island! PLan to join us June 16-20! 9 am-Noon, ages 4 - completed 8th grade. Sign up forms are available at all welcome desks!
Nicaragua MIssion Needs: One of the 3rd grade LJG teachers, Kim Thomas and her son, Josh, will be going to Nicaragua on a mission trip and are in need of supplies. They are collecting school supplies, jump ropes, hair bows & brushes, small toys, Spanish & English Bibles or cash to sponsor a child. Give money to Arvil and leave other items in the designated boxes at the Children's Welcome Desk.
Scholarships: Scholarships are needed for the upcoming summer trips to Quest Camp and Cleveland. If you can help financially, please designate the funds "Youth Scholarship" on the memo and place it in the offering plate or turn in to the church office.
Married Adults
Parenting 101: The Journey with Preschoolers: (ages birth through 4) On Friday, June 6 from 6:30-9:30 pm in the Chapel.
Operation Outreach: Sunday, June 1st at 4 pm in Room 216.
Atlanta Braves Weekend: September 6-7. Spend an incredible weekend in Atlanta with the family and watch the Washington Nationals take on the Atlanta Braves. Cost is $97 per person, double occupancy, includes on night's lodging and one baseball game. Meals are extra. Transportation will be your own vehicle. Only 25 tickets are available so book yours today! REgistration deadline is Sunday, July 27th.
Summer Sports Camps: Registration has begun for summer camps. Forms are available outside Jimmy's office or in the church office. The choices of camps are soccer, basketball and flag football for 1st - 6th grade.
Mark Your Calendar
New York Trip: November 26-29. Take a Motorcoach bus and enjoy the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a Broadway Play, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park and Christmas shopping in the city! Cost is $499 per person, double occupancy. The rate is adjusted for single, triple and quad rooms. Lodging will be at the Radisson Hotel in Carteret, NJ. Information and registration brochures will be available soon in the church office.
ALS Walk: In remembrance of Keith Wood, Keith's Krew will be participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS on Saturday, June 14 at Center City Park. Register online at www.catfishchapter.org or in the lobby at Keith's Krew Tables. You can support the team in several ways:
- Wear your Keith's Krew T-shirt (T-shirt are $10 and must be ordered by May 31st)
- Collect donations
- Walk on June 14th
- Do all three
Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center:
Pick up a baby bottle on Sunday and fill it with change, cash or check. This money will help the Center make a difference in the lives of young mothers and fathers facing unplanned pregnancy. Bring it back to church on Father's Day, June 15. Bottles can be picked up from both first and second floor lobbies, and the Worship Center lobby.