Class News
- Thanks Jeremy, for a wonderful lesson this morning. I hope that all of us pay attention to the ministry opportunities the Lord places in front of us this week. Like Saul in today's lesson, I hope we can be committed to Christ and show it to others through our actions. The title of next week's lesson is Peter: Openness. The background passage for the lesson is Acts 9:32-11:18. The lesson passage for next week is Acts 11:4-18.
- Happy (belated) Birthday to Joy Tripp on June 24th!
- Happy Anniversary to Nathan and Ashlee on Tuesday, July 1st!
- Happy Birthday to Greg Pearman on Wednesday, July 2nd!
- July 13th UPDATE: To make sure that there will be enough food for everyone at the luncheon, please sign up to bring three dishes and a 2 liter drink. We will have access to the refrigerator and oven in the Fellowship Hall Kitchen if you need to use either appliance for your food. If you have not signed up yet or you would like to add another dish to the list please let Matt or Melissa know! Click here to see the updated food sign-up list. Please continue to pray that God will use this event to reach out to other couples in our church that are in our age group and are not yet involved in a LJG. **Child care will be provided**
- Upcoming Dates:
- Fourth of July: Jeremy and Misty have opened up their home for a Fourth of July cook out! (Thanks guys!) Dinner will be at 6:00 pm and then we will go watch fireworks in the parking lot off of Wendover and Green Valley Road (near Friendly Center). Jeremy and Misty will provide hamburgers and hot dogs and ask that you bring a side dish or dessert. Please contact Misty no later than Thursday evening to let her know if you plan to attend and what side dish you will bring. Their address is 6407 Woodmont Rd. in Jamestown (27282). Misty's contact info is: 404-3077 & *Bring lawn chairs to watch the fireworks!*
- July 12th: BOWLING SOCIAL!!! Please join us for our next LJG social. We will enjoy a night of bowling at Triad Lanes on Wendover at 7 pm!
- July 13th: 'Outreach Lunch' in the Fellowship Hall!
Promoter News
Church-wide Picnic: Sunday, July 6th at Bur-Mil Park. Activities begin at 3:30 pm. Dinner will be served at 5:30 and the pool will be open from 7-9 pm. The church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, chips and condiments. We are asking that you bring a side dish or dessert. Please also bring drinks for your family only, including any cups and ice that you may need. The church will not be providing these.
Married Adults
Young Couples Lunch: July 13 following the 10:45 service. The "Finding Common Ground" LJG will host a luncheon for couples in their 20's.
Operation Outreach: July 13th at 4 pm in room 216.
Marriage 301 (Partnership for the Journey): Saturday, July 19 from 9 am - Noon in the Chapel. Learn to better understand how to work together as a team.
Upward Flag Football: Coaches and referees are needed for the season beginning July 28th. If you are interested please call the church office 288-3824.
Women's Enrichment Ministry
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers has begun registering for next fall. There are limited spots available, so if you would like to join other moms on the third Tuesday morning of every month from September to May, please call Kyra Houser, coordinator at 288-8488 or