- Thanks David for a wonderful lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Ephesus: Facing Religious People. The background passage for next week is Acts 18:23-19:41. The lesson passage for next week is Acts 18:24-19:10.
- Our apologies if you do not have a copy of the Learner Guide for class. We will try to have a few extra copies next Sunday for those of you without one. We will start a new book in September and we will have more than enough copies for everyone to have one!
- Welcome Jason & Dana Nicoletta! Welcome back Ken & Ashley, Brandon & April and Jason & Brianna! We enjoyed having all of you with us this morning.
- Congratulations to Jeremy & Misty Hood on the birth of their son, Ethan Jeramiah Hood. The meal sign-up sheet, directions to their house and pictures will be posted on here soon!
- Happy Birthday to Brandon Dixon, this Friday, August 8th!
- For those of you who are curious about Marc and Lauren's new church, click here to see the news report from WXII and click here to read the article from The News & Record.
- If you would like your name, phone number(s) and e-mail address(es) to appear in the blog directory, please let Melissa know. If there are any changes or updates that need to be made to your current information please let Melissa know also!
- Upcoming Dates:
- August 10: Shower/Social/Lunch for Nathan & Ashlee Wallace. This event will be a great time of fellowship! It will also help Nathan & Ashlee get several things for RJ before he arrives. It's official... Nathan & Ashlee will be able to bring RJ home with them on August 20th! Click here for the current Food & Gift Sign-up list (remember to bring a 2 liter drink)! Please let Matt or Melissa know if you would like to add or change anything! **I will be in touch with the church this week to find out if we will have access to the refrigerator, oven, stove, warmer, etc. I will let you know what I find out as soon as possible!**
- August 16: Baby Shower honoring Leigh Ann Tedrow (Walking Together LJG). Leigh Ann and Darrel are expecting a baby boy! The shower will be held at Renee Blue's house from 10am - Noon. If you plan to attend, please e-mail Angela Osborne at oz4@bellsouth.net to sign up for food. The Tedrows are registered at Babies R Us and Target.
- August 30: CLASS SOCIAL! Details will be coming soon, but please mark this date on your calendar!
Promoter News
Guest Speaker Coming! On Sunday, August 17, Dr. George Braswell, Jr. will be our special guest speaker in the evening service from 6:00-7:30pm. You don't want to miss this time as Dr. Braswell is one of the world's leading authorities on Islam. There will be a question & answer session.
October 26: Parent/Child Dedication Sunday
Married Adults
Operation Outreach: TODAY at 4pm. Meet in room 216.
Upward Flag Football: Coaches and referees are needed for flag football. Let Jimmy know if you are interested.
Fall Co-Ed Softball: Any man or woman interested in playing co-ed softball this fall should contact Jimmy Jackson, 288-3824, as soon as possible.
Women's Enrichment Ministry
Beth Moore Study: The women of the Couples for Christ LJG have begun the Beth Moore Study "Stepping Up" on Monday nights in room 261 from 7-9pm with Fathercare only. JoAnna Scott is facilitating.
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers has begun registering for next fall. There are limited spots available, so if you would like to join other moms on the third Tuesday mornings from September to May, please call Kyra Houser, coordinator at 288-8488 or j.houser@earthlink.net.
Opportunity to help our Refugee Families!
The Newcomer's School has a produce table at The Farmer's Market, located on the outside walkway near the peach vendor and the place where they sample the "Produce of the Day" on the Lindsay Street side of the market. This past weekend, Pascal, a member of the refugee family who attends Lawndale, worked the table. Next weekend, August 9th, Joseph will be working the table. They are allowed to take home 80% of the money received the day they work, and 20% will go back into supporting the garden at the school. Please come out and support them! Come as early as possible to get the best selection! It will be a blessing to these families as they work hard to settle into our country.