Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ladies Bible Study

Women's Bible Study

  • Starting Monday, October 27th
  • Nathan & Ashlee Wallace's House (223 Nighthawk Place, Greensboro/27409)
  • 6:45 pm

If you have not signed up, it's not too late to come! EVERYONE is welcome! The only thing you will need to bring is your Bible, pen and paper if you're a note taker! Donna Navey will be facilitating a study about Communication Skills and she has all of the materials needed.

From High Point:

Take Eastchester to 68. Take 68 to the Bryan Blvd/Airport Exit. Take your first left at the first light (Regional Road) . About a half of a mile up the road on the left is the neighborhood, Robyn's Glen, Ashlee's is the second street on the left. 223 Nighthawk Place.

From Greensboro:

Take Bryan Blvd and pass the airport. After the Airport the next light is Regional Road. Turn Right. About a half of a mile up the road on the left is the neighborhood, Robyn's Glen, Ashlee's i the second street on the left. 223 Nighthawk Place.

Please take note of the parking map below before coming to Ashlee's place. There are designated spots in her neighborhood for parking. Right when you turn into the neighborhood, there is a road on the left. There is parking in front of and beside the pool. If you pass the pool, there is parking in front of the office/models on the right and then on the left side of the road. Or you can go into the neighborhood and take the first right
and there is a row of parking there.

We can always double check with Ashlee when we get there!! :) I'm excited to see how God will move through this study! Look forward to seeing everyone there. If you have any questions or if I have neglected to include some information please let me know!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Announcements: October 19, 2008

Class News
  • Thanks David, for a great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Conform to God's Agenda. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 24:1-31:13 (1 Chronicles 10:1-12). The lesson passages for next week are 1 Samuel 24:1-7a, 11-12, 16-22.
  • Congratulations to Jason & Ashley Powles and Joy Tripp on your Baptism today!
  • Congratulations to Jeff & Kathy Scott for becoming members of Lawndale today!
  • Many of you have seen David McManus' prayer request about an upcoming mission trip to the Philippines. If you would like to learn more information about his trip and how you can support him prayerfully and financially, click here.
  • Whether you were able to attend our October social or not, the pictures are definitely worth checking out! Click here to see the costumes.
  • Ladies Bible Study: We will begin our Ladies Bible Study on Monday, October 27th at Ashlee Wallace's house. Donna Navey will be leading us through a 4 week Communication Study. Donna already has all of the materials necessary for the study! I will add another post this week with all of the final details (address, directions, time, etc!)
  • If you would be willing to bring breakfast on one of the available dates in November, please e-mail Melissa!

Promoter/Church News

Operation Christmas Child: October kicks off our annual collection of gift-filled shoe boxes for poor, sick & suffering children all around the world. Pick up an information brochure from the central lobby. We are offering a limited number of Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes. You may also use your own shoeboxes. Deadline for collection is Sunday, November 16. 
Samaritan's Purse Mission Trip to Boone: December 28-30. We will travel to Boone to process shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Cost will be $95.99 per night per room (up to 4 per room) plus meals. Lunch Monday and Tuesday will be provided. A $25 deposit is due November 28th.

Married Adults
Parenting 101 (The Journey with a Preschooler, Ages Birth - 4):October 25 from 9-Noon. Learn foundational issues in parenting that will set the tone for the rest of your child's life.
Operation Outreach: Sunday, November 2 at 4pm. Meet in room 216.
Marriage 401 "Perseverance for the Journey": November 8 from 9 - Noon. Come discuss keeping your marriage healthy over the long haul. 

Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31 is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity! Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping. Collection boxes for candy donations are located in the elevator lobbies on the first and second floors. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped. 
Upward Basketball/Cheerleading: Registration forms for Upward Basketball and Cheerleading have been mailed to K-6th grade children. Additional forms are available at the receptionist desk or outside Jimmy's office. Registration fee is $65 which covers the cost of uniforms. Evaluations begin Monday, November 10th with practices starting December 8th. Registration fee increases to $75 after November 13th.

"The Heartbeat of Christmas": It's not too late to be involved in this year's Christmas production. Areas include set construction, drama, make-up, stage hands, orchestra and even choir personnel. Let Stacy or Mark know if you're interested 288-3824.

Women's Ministry
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 14th from 7-9 pm in the CLC. Tickets are on sale on Sundays in the Worship Center Lobby.
The Women of Faith Conference: October 31-November 1 at the Greensboro Coliseum. If you would like to attend, Pleasant Garden Baptist has purchased a block of tickets, and has some extras; or you may purchase tickets online at

You are invited to come hear Megan Bowles (daughter of Tim & Debbie) speak on Saturday, October 25th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Megan will be leaving for Central Asia in January. You will not want to miss this opportunity to hear Megan share past experiences and her vision and hope for the future. 

  • Pastor Appreciation Night: Sunday, October 26 at 6:15 pm. There will be a special program in the CLC with surprise entertainment. Refreshments will be served.
  • State Fair Train Tickets: A few Amtrak tickets are available for Saturday, October 25 to take the train from Greensboro to the State Fair in Raleigh. Train tickets are $17 roundtrip and fair admission is $7. Train departs at 9:30 am and stops right at the fairgrounds. Arrival back to Greensboro is at 6 pm. Train money is due at sign up with Arvil Pennington.  

Support for David McManus

Dear Friends and Family,

     I hope this letter finds you all very well! It is my pleasure to write to you with regard to a mission opportunity with Crossfire Ministries in the Philippines, January 7-17 2009. It is truly a dream come true for me personally, as I will be given the opportunity to play basketball overseas, and at the same time share the blessings of the incomparable Lord Jesus Christ! While I am there the team will use every means possible to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will play basketball games which will include a time for testimonies and an invitation for salvation at every game. With each team we play we will spend one-on-one time presenting God's plan of salvation and discipling believers. We will also spend time in the streets using ball skills and music to attract crowds to hear God's Word and personal testimonies. 

     Our mission team will be made up of talented, God-fearing men. I, along with the other team members, have prayed earnestly for God's leadership about our participation with this team, and I feel led to be a part of this amazing venture. Along with playing on the ball team I will be given the opportunity to share my testimony, hand out tracts, and engage in one-on-one ministry. I would greatly appreciate your prayerful support and consideration for supporting me financially as well. My support goal is $3000.

     All donations are tax-deductible and will be used only for my expenses. If you feel led to support me in this ministry, please make checks payable to Crossfire Ministries, include my name in the memo line of the check and turn into Matt & Melissa Gardner. In the event that more money is sent than is needed for this trip, the extra funds will be placed in an account for my use on future mission trips. Please feel free to call Crossfire Ministries, (828) 255-9111, and they will be glad to answer any specific questions that you may have. Again, I appreciate your prayers for me personally and for the entire Crossfire team as we make plans to take the gospel "into all the world."

In Him,

David J. McManus
(336) 587-3206

Spectacularly Spooky Social

This past Saturday our class enjoyed great conversation, fellowship, food and costumes! Thanks to Greg and Laura for opening up your home for the social! Below are some pictures from the evening:

Spooky Hands and Face floating in "Blood" punch

What was the contest for winning the coveted squirrel trophy??... You guessed it! BEST COUPLE COSTUME! And the nominees for best couples costume are:

Greg & Laura = Paralegal & Softball Player

Brandon & April = Rainbow Bright & Superwoman

Jeremy & Misty = John McCain & Sarah Palin

Jeff, Christian & Kathy (Christian was Yoda, but I missed the photo opportunity!)

Marc & Lauren = Car Mechanic & Cell Phone Addicted Teenager

Billy & Priscilla = Prom Couple from the 80's

David & Kim = John Cena and his Tag-Team Partner

Matt & Melissa = Zack Morris & Kelly Kapowski (and Zack's phone)


Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Class Social

October Social

Come dressed in your best Halloween costume as we all battle it out for the Squirrel Trophy! (Best costume wins)

Greg & Laura Pearman's House at 6:00 pm
10 Highland Bluff Court
(Children welcome)

Directions from the church:
-Turn left on Lawndale from the church parking lot
-Turn left on Cotswold Avenue
-Turn right on Old Battleground
-Turn right into White Horse Farms (White Horse Drive)
-Turn right on Highland Bluff Court

Please sign up for 2 food items, the spookier the better! If you have not had a chance to sign up and you would like to come, please e-mail Melissa with the food items(s) you plan to bring!

McManus - Meatballs
Dixon - Wings


McManus - Rolls

Gardner - Punch
Pearman - Soda

Gardner - Cupcakes
Martin - Cookies
Hood - Brownies
Powles (maybe)

Martin - Mac & Cheese
Dixon - Green Bean Casserole
Pearman - Turkey Chili Dip

Announcements: October 12, 2008

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy, for a great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Cultivate Godly Friendships. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 18:1-23:18. The lesson passages for next wee are 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19:4-7; 20:8, 12-13; 23:16-18.
  • Happy Birthday to Ashley Breed this Saturday, October 18th!
  • If you would like to bring breakfast during the month of November, please e-mail Melissa which of the remaining dates you'd like to take!
  • Ladies... Keep an eye on your e-mail account this week. As soon as I get a hold of Donna Navey about the Bible Study I will send you an e-mail with updated information.
  • CLASS SOCIAL: Check out the 'October Class Social' post for all of the details concerning our next event!! If you have not had a chance to sign up, but plan to attend, please e-mail Melissa and let her know what food item(s) you would like to bring!
Promoter/Church News

Parent/Baby Dedication: Sunday, October 26. If you wish to participate and have not received an informational letter, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824. Information is due TOMORROW.
Operation Christmas Child: October kicks off our annual collection of gift-filled shoe boxes for poor, sick & suffering children all around the world. Pick up an information brochure from the central lobby. We are offering a limited number of Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes. You may also use your own shoeboxes. Deadline for collection is Sunday, November 16. 

Married Adults
Parenting 101 (The Journey with a Preschooler, Ages Birth - 4): October 25 from 9-Noon. Learn foundational issues in parenting that will set the tone for the rest of your child's life. 

Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31 is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity! Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping. Collection boxes for candy donations are located in the elevator lobbies on the first and second floors. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped. 
Upward Basketball/Cheerleading: Registration forms for Upward Basketball and Cheerleading have been mailed to K-6th grade children. Additional forms are available at the receptionist desk or outside Jimmy's office. Registration fee is $65 which covers the cost of uniforms. Evaluations begin Monday, November 10th with practices starting December 8th. Registration fee increases to $75 after November 13th.

"The Heartbeat of Christmas": It's not too late to be involved in this year's Christmas production. Areas include set construction, drama, make-up, stage hands, orchestra and even choir personnel. Let Stacy or Mark know if you're interested 288-3824.

Women's Ministry
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 14th from 7-9 pm in the CLC. Tickets are on sale on Sundays in the Worship Center Lobby.
The Women of Faith Conference: October 31-November 1 at the Greensboro Coliseum. If you would like to attend, Pleasant Garden Baptist has purchased a block of tickets, and has some extras; or you may purchase tickets online at

You are invited to come hear Megan Bowles (daughter of Tim & Debbie) speak on Saturday, October 25th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Megan will be leaving for Central Asia in January. You will not want to miss this opportunity to hear Megan share past experiences and her vision and hope for the future. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Announcements: October 5, 2008

Class News
  • Thanks David, for a wonderful lesson this morning. The title of next week's lesson is: Embrace God's Perspective. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 16:1-17:58. The lesson passage for next week is 1 Samuel 16:1-13.
  • Welcome to Julia Toth! We enjoyed having you with us this morning.
  • Happy Birthday to Matt Gardner this Monday, October 6th!
  • Happy Anniversary to Billy & Priscilla this Tuesday, October 7th!
  • If you would like your name, e-mail and phone number added to the blog directory please let Melissa know. If any of your information needs to be changed or updated please let Melissa know also.
  • CLASS SOCIAL! Our next class social will be Saturday, October 18th (time TBA). The social will be held at Greg and Laura Pearman's house. We will have a costume party and the best party will win the coveted "squirrel." Check back this week for an updated post with a sign-up sheet and more details!
Promoter/Church News

Parent/Baby Dedication: Sunday, October 26. If you wish to participate and have not received an informational letter, please contact Carol McKinney at 288-3824. Information is due by Monday, October 13th.
Operation Christmas Child: October kicks off our annual collection of gift-filled shoe boxes for poor, sick and suffering children all around the world. Pick up an information brochure from the central lobby. We are offering a limited number of Samaritan's Purse shoe boxes. You may also use your own shoe boxes. Deadline for collection is Sunday, November 16.

Married Adults
Parenting 101 (The Journey with a Preschooler, Ages Birth - 4): October 25 from 9-Noon. Learn foundational issues in parenting that will set the tone for the rest of your child's life. 

Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31 is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity! Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping. Collection boxes for candy donations are located in the elevator lobbies on the first and second floors. Candy, gum, etc. should be individually wrapped.
Upward Basketball/Cheerleading: Registration forms for Upward Basketball and Cheerleading have been mailed to K-6th Grade children. Additional forms are available at the receptionist desk or outside Jimmy's office. Registration fee is $65 which covers the cost of uniforms. Evaluations begin Monday, November 10 with practices starting December 8th. Registration increases to $75 after November 13. 

"The Heartbeat of Christmas": It's not too late to be involved i this year's Christmas production. Areas include set construction, drama, make-up, stage hands, orchestra and even choir personnel. Let Stacy or Mark know if interested, 288-3824.

Women's Ministry
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 14th from 7-9 pm in the CLC. Tickets go on sale Sunday, October 5th in the Worship Center Lobby.
The Women of Faith Conference: October 31-November 1 at the Greensboro Coliseum. If you would like to attend, Pleasant Garden Baptist has purchased a block of tickets, and has some extras; or you may purchase tickets online at

  • Do you sew? We are building our supply of simple costumes for the parade and Christmas program. If you would like to make several simple tunics and robes at home, please call the church office and PJ will get the fabric and patterns to you.
  • Update on our African Family: Pascal and Sifa and their children are enjoying worship at LBC. Our ministry to them includes an ESL class. Pascal lost his job due in part to lack of English skills, so pray for him to learn quickly. Those who are able to help with this mission project, please designate funds for the "African Family." If there are people in the church who could offer him employment, call Shelba Forrest at 288-7271.