Class News
- The title of this Sunday's lesson is Christianity 103: Meet Needs. The background passage is Luke 9:1-50. The lesson passages are Luke 9:10-17, 37-43a. Before Sunday, please take a moment to prayerfully read through the passages to prepare for the lesson.
- Laura Lindley knows of a need at the Elementary school where she used to teach. Occasionally, kindergarten students have accidents in their pants during the school day. Many of the 'extra' outfits the school has for these children are never returned. If you have any used pants (small sizes, 4-7) to donate and NEW underwear, please bring then to Laura and she will take them to the school.
- April 22nd: Spaghetti lunch in the CLC after church. Be in prayer about friends, neighbors, co-workers you could invite to our LJG spaghetti lunch. If each couple could donate $5-10 to help cover the cost of food, that would be great! Please contact the Elliotts or Joneses for more information.
- April 28th: Rampin' Up Outreach. Please contact Rob Jones, Chris Elliott or Jeremy Barnes for more information.

Photo taken at the 2nd Annual LJG Easter Egg Hunt/Cookout. A record 75 people came out for the event!
LBC News
Lawndale's WebsiteChildren's Ministry
"Amazing Wonders" VBS 2012:- June 25-29, 9am-12 noon.
- Registration has begun online, in the lobby and at the Children's Desk.
- Sunday, April 29th.
- Please return your card and photos to Carol McKinney by April 20th if you plan to participate.
Women's Ministry
Kalos Coffee- Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 15th at 7:15pm in the CLC.
- Email Donna at if you plan to attend or need to reserve childcare.
Worship & Music Ministry
Upcoming Events- April 22: The Won Generation Choir leads our music and praise.
- April 29: Our 3-5 year old choirs perform at 6:15pm.
- May 20: Our 1st-6th grade choirs will present their program, Spend A While on the Nile at 6:15pm.
- Make plans to attend the hot dog lunch.
- All proceeds will go directly for the Won Generation High School Choir Mission Trip in June to Cleveland, OH.
- June 16-23
- Please be in prayer for the students during this week and for those that they will reach while serving in Cleveland.
Missions Ministry
Operation Inasmuch - North Carolina- Saturday, April 28th or Saturday, May 5th.
- Sign up in your Life Journey Groups.
Additional Announcements
Dinner Menu for Wednesday, April 11th- Lexington Style Pulled Pork BBQ, BBQ Baked Beans, Corn & Fresh Slaw OR Soup/Salad/Potato Bar.
- Call the church office to make or cancel your reservation.
- Contact Deborah Brown or Kyle Curtis in the Office at 2883824.
- Saturday, April 14th from 7:30am-Until.
- Please bring your own tools, if you have them.
- We will be spreading mulch and working in the natural areas around the church.
- Thanks in advance for your help!
- Sunday, April 22nd after the evening service.
- Suggested Items: Musical instruments: harmonicas, kazoos, recorders; Girls hair accessories: brushes, combs, barrettes, scrunchies.
- Please leave in the bin at the Collection Center on the 1st Floor.
- You may still register for the 2012-2013 school year.
- Come by Ann Johnson's office for a form or call 282-4177 for more information.