-If you have not had a chance to sign up to bring Rob and Cheryl a meal, and you would like to, please click the link below: http://www.takethemameal.com/meals.php?t=VDER0973
- If you would be able to provide breakfast for the LJG, please click the link below: http://www.takethemameal.com/meals.php?t=IXIN5308
-Family Valentine Banquet: Sunday, February 17 at 6:15pm in the CLC. Tickets are now available in the Lobby on Sundays or by seeing Jimmy Jackson.
-Above the Rim Basketball: Schedules are now posted in our website. In case of inclement weather during the season, check the website after 4 PM Monday through Friday, and after 8 AM on Saturday for any cancellations.
-Creation Museum Trip: August 5-7 to visit the creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky. More details to come!
-Stepping Up-Men's Small Group Bible Studies: All men are invited to sign up for a 10 week class called "stepping up." Please visit the table in the lobby for the different days, times and locations.
-ESL\International Ministry: We are in need of used game pieces, dice, and game boards of all kinds including poppers and spinners, etc. Please bring items to the collection box in room 309.
-Weekday Preschool Registration: Registration for the 2013-2014 school year will begin at 9 AM in Ann Johnson's office on Monday, January 28, through Friday, February 1.