Sunday, April 13, 2008

Announcements: April, 13 2008

Class News:
  • Thanks, Jeremy, for a great lesson this morning! I hope that all of us make a point to pay closer attention to our actions and witness this upcoming week. Next week's lesson is titled, When All Hops Seems Lost. The background passages for the lesson are: Genesis 39:21 - 40:23. The lesson passages for next week are: Genesis 39:21; 40:2-3, 5-15, 20-23.
  • We're looking forward to the combined class social next Saturday, April 19th. See the blog titled, 'April Social' for more details. If you would like to come and have not signed up yet please e-mail Melissa and she'll add you to the list! Also, remember to bring a 2 liter drink! There will be great fellowship and several fun/entertaining games between the classes. Hopefully we will have youth on our side!
  • If you would like your name, e-mail and phone number posted on the blog let Matt or Melissa know and they'll get your information up.
  • If you ever have any thoughts, discussion questions, etc. that you would like to post on the blog please let Matt or Melissa know and they would be more than happy to post your information.

Promoter News:

Lawndale Servant Week:
Saturday, April 12 - Saturday April 19. This will be one full week dedicated to mission opportunities by serving others in the immediate and surrounding Greensboro area. Sign up your entire family one or more days to help with construction, carpentry, plumbing, lawn care, painting, cleaning, etc. Also, please submit names of persons or families who have needs with which we can help. Contact Bill Bailey, Roger Dodson, Tony McGrady or Larry Cullen. Sign up cards are available at all welcome desks and in the church office. Breakfast will be served to workers 7-8 a.m. and lunch will be from 12-1 in the Fellowship Hall.

Married Adults:
Leadership Summit: All coordinators and teachers should meet in the Chapel on Sunday, April 20th from 5-6 p.m. to evaluate the first half of the church year and share future plans.
Parenting 301: Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m. - Noon in room 263. This seminar is for parents of adolescents (ages 11-15). To register, call the church office 288-3824 ext. 301 or e-mail Rodney at before April 20th.

Golf Tournament: The "Irish Four Ball" Golf Tournament will be Saturday, May 3 at Crooked Tree Golf Course. The cost is $25 per person. You need to arrive by 1:30 p.m. and start playing at 2 p.m. The registration deadline is Sunday, April 20th. Registration forms are available outside Jimmy's office. Put payment under his door.
Family Whitewater Rafting Trip: August 1-3, Nantahala River, NC. This trip includes 2 nights camping, 2 breakfasts, 1 dinner and rafting. Ages 7 and up are eligible. The cost is $60 per adult and $30 per child. A $25 deposit is due on or before Sunday, June 29th. Registration forms are available outside Jimmy's office or in the church office.

The 2008/ Food Supply Round-up for the Baptist Children's Home is currently taking place. Food, paper and cleaning products will be collected through Sunday, April 20th. Gift cards from Food Lion and Lowes Food will also be appreciated. Boxes are available on the 1st and 2nd floors.

Women's Enrichment Ministry:
"She & Me Tea": Saturday, May 10, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the CLC. For all "shes" ages 3 to 103! Tickets are on sale in the Lobby.
Bible Studies for Women: WWW- Weekly Word for Women with Phyllis Postma meets every Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the Chapel. This is for women of all ages and meets year round. You can join anytime.

Mark Your Calendars:
Emergency Training: There will be a defibrillator training class on Saturday, April 26th from 9 a.m. - Noon in room 236. The cost is $25 per person. Call the church office by Friday, April 18 to register.