Sunday, April 27, 2008

Attention LADIES!...

She & Me Tea

Saturday, May 10 
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the CLC

Tickets are $5 - on sale in the church lobby through May 5
For childcare reservations, call Carol McKinney 288-3824 ext. 303

I think this event will be a great time of fellowship not only for the women at our church, but even more so for the women in our Life Journey Group. We're still a fairly new LJG and I believe this event will help strengthen our friendships and relationships with each other.

Here's the plan... Hats and gloves are encouraged at this event, and I say we take it one step further. If you're plan to attend, come wearing a personalized hat. You can make your hat out of paper (if you're an origami enthusiast) or buy a hat from the store. Either way, personalize your hat with things that represent your life and things that are important to you. (pictures, bible verses, etc.) Be creative!!! The personalized hats will be a source of great conversations among our LJG and other women at the tea as well.

If you have not already, stop by the desk in the lobby to purchase your ticket! If you would like to attend, but will not be in church on May 4th to buy your ticket, please let me know and I would be more than happy to pick it up for you! Also, if you plan to attend, let me know so I will know how many seats to reserve for our LJG. I'm really looking forward to this event and I hope that you are able to come! 

Check out the link below for more details!