- Thanks David for a great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Seek God's Guidance. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 8:1-12:25. The lesson passages for next week are: 1 Samuel 8:4-6; 10:20-24; 12:13-15, 20-23.
- Happy belated anniversary to Tim & Alison Inman this past Thursday, September 18th!
- Thanks to Joy Tripp and Ashlee Wallace for deciding to become in-reach leaders for our Life Journey Group. Thanks also to Nathan Wallace and Larry Tripp for joining up with Jeremy on the out-reach team!
- If you would like your name, e-mail and phone number added to our blog directory please let Melissa know! If there is information that needs to be added or changed please let her know that also!
- Women's Bible Study Update: A sign up sheet was sent around the LJG this morning allowing all ladies to put down dates and times that will/will not work for the Bible Study. I will have the sign up sheet again next week. Feel free to e-mail Melissa at any time to let her know what days times are best for you if you missed the sign up sheet this morning. Donna Navey is thrilled to start working with our group! I will give her the information I got this morning along with any further information that comes in next week and we'll get this study going!
- CLASS SOCIAL: Saturday, September 27th! Meet in the Fellowship Hall of the church at 6 pm to watch The Chronicles of Narnia. Bring your own food/snacks/drinks and enjoy some great fellowship!
Promoter/Church News
"Eternal Impact" is the theme of this year's NC Missions Offering. Ingathering will be TODAY during the regular offering. Lawndale's goal is $20,000. *If you missed the offering today and would still like to contribute it's not too late! You can drop the money by the church office or put it in an envelope marked NC Missions Offering during next week's offering.
October 26: Parent/Baby Dedication
Married Adults
Parenting 301 (The Journey with Adolescent, ages 11-15): Friday, September 26, 6:30-9:30 pm. This class will address what your child will face as they move into the teenage years.
Weekend to Remember: October 3-5 at Four Seasons. A 2 1/2 day marriage conference that teachers God's design for marriage and family. Register with the group code 10533 and save $80! Call 1-800-358-6329 or go to www.familylife.com/weekend.
Operation Outreach: Sunday, October 5, at 4 pm in room 216.
Parenting 101 (The Journey with a Preschooler, ages Birth-4): October 25 from 9-Noon. Learn foundational issues in parenting that will set the tone for the rest of your child's life.
Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31st is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity! Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping.
Children's Choir: Sunday evenings at 5 pm.
Preschool Choir: Threes- Room 144, Fours- Room 146, Kindergarten- Room 150
Kids Choir: Grades 1-5, Room 145
Middle School Choir: Room 318
Orchestra: We are looking for musicians who play orchestral instruments to assist in worship through music. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:30 in the Chapel. If you play an instrument, please pray about this and see if God would have you share that talent and make you a blessing to others through music. If interested, please call Marion Boling at 580-2513 or 454-3249.
Women's Ministry
WWW: Every Wednesday from 9-10 am in the Chapel for women of ALL ages. A new study just began: Genesis - Connecting the Dots from the Past & Present to the Future Middle East.
LifePlus Classes for Women: Women of the Bible is a devotional study of women in scripture led by Carol McKinney in room 366. Making Peace with your Past is a 12 week interactive support group limited to 8 women. It is led by Ellen Cochran in room 262.
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 14 from 7-9 in the CLC. Tickets go on sale Sunday, October 5 in the Worship Center Lobby.
Mark Your Calendar
Greensboro Life Chain: Sunday, October 5, 2:30-3:30 pm. The Greensboro Life Chain will form along Battleground Avenue. Sign up in the lobby of the Worship Center or call Polly Dodson (375-5395).
Additional Announcements
- It's not too late to sign up for a LifePlus Class. A variety of classes are offered every Sunday from 5-6 pm.
- Start the new church year off right for you and your family with a permanent meal reservation for Wednesday night dinners. Please call the church office or fill out the registration form in the Bulletin. If you have missed 3 consecutive weeks this summer without notifying the church, your name has been removed, so please fill out a new reservation form for the coming year.