- Thanks David for a wonderful lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Serving the Lord Faithfully. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1a. The lesson passages for next week are 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 15-4:1a. We still have plenty of extra copies of our new Learner Guide. Feel free to pick up a copy from the LJG room next Sunday if you need one!
- Welcome Billy & Priscilla Martin and Justin & Cindy Hill. We enjoyed having you with us this morning. Congratulations to Justin & Cindy on your baptism this morning.
- Happy Birthday to Melissa Gardner this Saturday, September 13th!
- If you would like your name, e-mail and phone number added to our blog directory please let Melissa know!
- Mark your calendar for our next class social: September 27th! More details to come!
Promoter News
October 26: Parent/Baby Dedication
Married Adults
Operation Outreach: TODAY at 4 pm, meet in room 216.
Parenting 301 (The Journey with Adolescent, ages 11-15): Friday, September 26, 6:30-9:30 pm. This class will address what your child will face as they move into the teenage years.
Weekend to Remember: October 3-5 at Four Seasons. A 2 1/2 day marriage conference that teaches God's design for marriage and family.
Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31 is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity. Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping.
Children's Choir: Resumes Sunday, September 14 at 5pm.
- Preschool Choir: Threes- Room 144, Fours- Room 146, Kindergarten- Room 150
- Kids Choir: Grades 1-5, Room 145
- Middle School Choir: Room 318
Handbell Choir: Resumes Monday, September 15 at 9:15 am. Spots are available for 2 more people. If you are interested, please contact Amanda Matthews at 4matthews@bellsouth.net or 288-3571.
Orchestra: We are looking for musicians who play orchestral instruments to assist in worship through music. Each Wednesday at 7:30 pm a group meets in the Chapel to rehearse the hymns and specials for this coming Sunday. If you play an instrument, please pray about this and see if god would have you share that talent and make you a blessing to others through music. If interested, please call Marion Boling at 580-2513 or 454-3249.
Mark Your Calendar
LifePlus begins Sunday, September 14 at 5 pm. Courses include:
- Helping Children Understand Salvation and Christian Conversion- Room 363
- 411 for Parents: God & Human Suffering- Room 311
- Life Journey Group Leadership Training- Chapel
- Making Peace with your Past (women)- Room 262
- Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti- Room 217
- Women of the Bible- Room 366
- Understanding your Spiritual Gifts- Room 263
- Gripped by the Greatness of God- Room 364
- Financial Peace University- Room 216