Sunday, March 2, 2008

Announcements: March 2, 2008

Music Ministry:
Media Volunteers - More volunteers are needed in the Media Projection Ministry. We will train you! Call 288-3824 if you are interested.

Married Adults:
Operation Outreach: LJG Members are encouraged to participate in reaching out to our community. We will meet in room 216 at 4 pm TODAY for assignments.
Sacrifice Sunday: On March 9, you will set your clocks forward one hour. Will you sacrifice (go the extra mile) to be in class? Help your class reach its highest attendance so far this year.
Marriage 201: Purpose for the Journey: Saturday, March 15, 9-12 in the Chapel. Participation in this class will lead to a greater understanding of the roles within marriage as husband and wife.

Upward Spring Soccer: If you did not receive a registration form for Upward soccer, contact Patty Ghering at 288-3824 ext. 320. Evaluations will be held Monday, March 17, Tuesday, March 18 & Thursday, March 20. Deadline to register is Thursday, March 20. Contact Jimmy if you would like to be a coach or official.
  • New Life Plus Class "Raising a Modern Day Knight" begins TODAY at 5pm in room 263. This 6 week study, facilitated by Gary Wade, will give fathers direction in raising their sons from young boys to Godly men. Materials are $35.
  • Remember or honor a loved one by ordering an Easter Lily to be used in the Worship Center on Easter Sunday. Lilies will be $12 each and can be taken home after the service. Indicate your information on the special envelopes at the welcome desk. Deadline to submit an order is Sunday, March 9.
Lawndale Servant Week:
Saturday, April 12 - Saturday, April 19 will kick off our 1st annual Lawndale Servant Week! This will be one full week dedicated to missions opportunities by LBC members, neighbors, and friends by serving others in the immediate and surrounding Greensboro area. Sign up your entire family one or more days to help with construction, carpentry, plumbing, lawn care, painting, cleaning, etc. Also, please submit names of persons or families who have needs with which we can help. Contact Bill Bailey 282-3270, Roger Dodson 375-5395, Tony McGrady 282-8124 or Larry Cullen 508-0028. Sign up cards are available at all welcome desks and in the church office.