Sunday, July 27, 2008

Announcements: July 27, 2008

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy for a great lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is: Athens: Facing Questions. The background passage for next week is Acts 15:36-18:22. The lesson passages for next week are Acts 17:16-19, 22-31.
  • Next Sunday, August 3rd, there will be a hot dog lunch in the CLC following the 10:45 service. There is no set price for the hot dog lunch. Donations will be accepted to help send the high school students on the Cleveland Mission Trip. We would like to extend an invitation for everyone to take part in the lunch and donate your Sunday lunch money to the high school missions trip. It would be a great and easy way for all of us to enjoy lunch together (for a great cause)!
  • If you would like your name, phone number(s) and e-mail address(es) to appear in the blog directory, please let Melissa know. If there are any changes or updates that need to be made to your current information please let Melissa know also!
  • Please keep Jeremy & Misty in your prayers this week. Misty's due date is tomorrow, July 28th. If baby Ethan does not arrive by Wednesday, Misty will be induced Wednesday morning! There will be a meal sign-up list made available as soon as details are hammered out!
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. August 10: Shower/Social/Lunch for Nathan & Ashlee Wallace. This even will be a great time of fellowship! It will also help Nathan & Ashlee get several 'wants and needs' for FJ before he arrives! Click here for the current Food & Gift Sign-Up list. Please let Matt or Melissa know if you would like to add or change anything! 
  2. August 16: Baby Shower honoring Leigh Ann Tedrow (Walking Together Life Journey Group). Leigh Ann and Darrel are expecting a baby boy! The shower will be held at Renee Blue's house from 10am - Noon. If you plan to attend, please e-mail Angela Osborne at to sign up for food. The Tedrows are registered at Babies R Us and Target.
  3. August 30: CLASS SOCIAL! Details will be coming soon, but please mark this date on your calendar!
Promoter News

Fundraiser for Cleveland Mission Trip: On August 3rd (NEXT SUNDAY) there will be a hot dog lunch in the CLC immediately following the 10:45 service. Proceeds from the lunch will support the high school students going on the Cleveland Mission Trip.

Married Adults
Operation Outreach: August 3rd at 4pm in room 216.

Upward Flag Football: Coaches and referees are needed for the season beginning July 28th. Let Jimmy Jackson know if you are interested.
Atlanta Braves Weekend: September 6-7. Spend an incredible weekend in Atlanta with the family and watch the Washington Nationals take on the Atlanta Braves. Cost is $97 per person, double occupancy, includes one night's lodging and one baseball game. Meals are extra. Transportation will be your own vehicle. Only 25 tickets are available! Registration deadline is TODAY!
Fall Co-Ed Softball: Any man or woman interested in playing co-ed softball this fall should contact Jimmy Jackson 288-3824 as soon as possible.

Women's Enrichment Ministry
Beth Moore Study: The women of the Couples for Christ LJG have begun the Beth Moore study, "Stepping Up" on Monday nights in Room 261 from 7-9pm with Fathercare only. JoAnna Scott is facilitating.
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers has begun registering for next fall. There are limited spots available, so if you would like to join other moms on the third Tuesday mornings from September to May, please call Kyra Houser, coordinator at 288-8488 or

Mark Your Calendar
Boone Mission Trip: September 8-12. We will be working with Three Forks Baptist Association repairing homes for needy families and other projects that may include painting, cleaning, yard work, etc. Cost will be $125 per person. This covers food and double occupancy for the hotel. If you are interested, please contact Bill Bailey at 282-3270, Roger Dodson at 375-5395 or Tony McGrady at 282-8142. Deadline for sign up is August 20.
New York Trip: November 26-29. Take a Motorcoach bus and enjoy the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a Broadway Play, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park and Christmas shopping in the city! Cost is $499 per person, double occupancy. The rate is adjusted for single, triple and quad rooms. Lodging will be at the Radisson Hotel in Carteret, NJ. Information and registration brochures are available in the church office and at the Welcome Desks.

Additional Announcements
  • On Sunday, August 17, Dr. George Braswell, Jr will be our special guest speaker in the evening service from 6-7:30pm. You don't want to miss this time as Dr. Braswell is one of the world's leading authorities on Islam. There will be a question and answer session.