Class News
- Congratulations to Adam and Sarah Gardner on the birth of their daughter, Carrie Elizabeth. Carrie was born on Thursday, September 20th at 7:23pm. Carrie weighed 7 lbs, 4 ounces and measured 20.75 inches long. Click here to sign up to bring the Gardners a meal!

- Happy Belated Anniversary to Chris & Amanda on August 8th!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Laura Pearman on August 14th!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Ashlee Wallace on August 27th!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Julia Toth on September 1st!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Cheryl Jones on September 2nd!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Melissa Gardner on September 13th!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Marin Artiga on September 19th!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Todd Lindley on September 21st!
- Happy Belated Birthday to Damani Collier on September 24th!
- Happy Belated Anniversary to Todd & Laura on September 26th!
- Happy Anniversary to Mark & Tiffany TODAY!
- Happy Birthday to Chris Elliott this Tuesday, October 2nd!
- Happy Birthday to Jeremy Barnes this Friday, October 5th!
- Happy Birthday to Tim Lima & Matt Gardner this Saturday, October 6th!
- If you would like to bring breakfast for our LJG during the months of November and December, please click here to sign up.
- Men's Bible Study: Will meet this Thursday, October 4th, 6:30am at the Chick-fil-A in the Brassfield Shopping Center (Battleground Avenue). Please read the book of Ephesians before coming to the study. All men are welcome!
- Volleyball: Our first LJG volleyball game will be this Thursday, October 4th in the evening. The time is TBD... but will be announced as soon as we find out!
- Halloween Hoopla!: Please click here for all of the details for our class Halloween Party!
LBC News
Greensboro Life Chain, 2012: Sunday, October 7th, we will form along Battleground Avenue in front of Krispe Kreme from 2:30-3:30pm. Come join this pro-life public witness event!
Pastor Appreciation, Sunday evening, October 7th: A basket for cards of appreciation will be in the Worship Center Lobby. Light refreshments will be served in the CLC following the evening service.
Children's Ministry
Parent/Child Dedication: The next dedication is scheduled for Sunday, October 28th. If you would like to participate, please contact Carol McKinney in the church office or email her at
Activities Ministry
Fall Spectacular: Wednesday, October 31st from 5:30-9pm in the church parking lot. Enjoy games, prizes, hot dogs, cotton candy and more! Contact Jimmy Jackson for more information.
Volunteer at the Fall Spectacular: If you are able to help with rides, concessions, or registrations, you may sign up in your LJG or contact Jimmy Jackson.
Candy Donations: Please leave candy at the Collection Center downstairs in the marked bin. Remember, please do not bring any candy that says "may contain peanuts" on it.
Married Adult Ministry
Combined 9:15 and 10:45 LJGs on Sunday October 21st. We will be meeting in the CLC for the Answers in Genesis speaker.
Parent/Child Dedication: Parents who are participating are asked to attend a class at 9:15am on the CLC stage on October 28th.
Operation Outreach: Meets Sunday, October 7th in Room 263 (library).
Women's Ministry
Weekly Word for Women: Meets every Wednesday at 9am in the WC.
Women's Fall Bible Studies: Check out our website for a complete list of upcoming bible studies being offered.
Calendar Coffee, Every Season has a Reason!: Friday, January 11, 2013. More details to come!
Food Service Ministry
Menu for Wednesday, October 3rd: Chicken Parmesan, Caesar Salad or Vegetables, & Pasta with Marinara OR the Salad/Potato Bar. Call the church office to sign up by Tuesday.
General Announcements
Shoe Box Collection Kickoff: Sunday, October 14th plan to pick up your shoebox to pack for needy children! All boxes should be returned to the same location by November 11th!
Ken Ham's "Answers Conference:" Coming this Fall to Lawndale on October 21-22. Complete schedule is online.
Paid Childcare Staff Needed: Applications are available in the church office from Deborah Brown. You must be 16 or older to apply.
El Salvador Clothing Drive: Clothes should be clean, for all ages (adults and children), no heavy winter clothes. We can use sweaters, light jackets, summer clothes, clean underwear, shoes (no high heels please). Please place donations in the marked boxes at the 1st floor Collection Center. Deadline for donating is October 26th. For questions, call Bill Bailey at 282-3270.
Shepherd's Shelf Food Pantry: Specific items on the food pantry list are needed to help feed the hungry. Please bring food items to the 1st floor Collection Center.
Quality In Home Child Care: Frequently we receive requests for recommendations for quality, trusted in-home child care during daytime working hours. If you know of those who are available please contact Arvil Pennington at
Feeding the 5000 Collection Schedule:
- October 14: Donation for Turkeys and Pies ($20)
- October 21: Jellied Cranberry Sauce (14oz)
- October 28: Cut Green Beans (50oz)
- November 4: Stove Top Stuffing for TURKEY (6 oz)
- November 11: 5 lb. bag of white potatoes.