Sunday, June 8, 2008

Announcements: June 8, 2008

Matt and I are either really on the ball about taking pictures, or we forget cameras even exist! Can you tell which one was true about or Luau last night? We can't seem to find a happy medium when it comes to picture taking! Oh well, I'm sure everyone has plenty of mental images of water balloons, volleyball, beads of sweat running down everyone's forehead, more ground beef than anyone could imagine, the men's frightening knowledge of male heart throbs during the "80's Outburst" game, and the fun and fellowship that took place at the "Aloha Luau!" Thanks to everyone who came!

Class News
  • Thanks Jeremy, for the wonderful lesson this morning! The title of next week's lesson is Stephen: Boldness. The background passage for the lesson is Acts 6:1-8:3. The lesson passages are Acts 6:8-15; 7:51-60.
  • Welcome Mike and Danielle Rusher! We enjoyed having you with us this morning.
  • Happy Anniversary to Marc and Lauren Holbrook on Saturday, June 14th!
  • If you would like your name and phone number to be added to our blog directory please let Matt or Melissa know.
  • If you ever have comments or suggestions about our class blog page please let us know! Also, if you would ever like to post your thoughts, comments, questions, etc. let Matt or Melissa know.
  • Upcoming Dates:
  1. June 14: Baby shower honoring Misty Hood. Chick out the blog post titled "Misty's Shower" for all the details and updated food lists. If you would like to attend and have not yet signed up please let Lauren or Melissa know.
  2. July 13: Outreach lunch: We mentioned this briefly during the Life Journey Group this morning... Our LJG will hold a lunch after church on Sunday, July 13th for any and all married couples who are 20-29(ish). The church will begin advertising this event soon to let people know about it. A sign up sheet will be available in the class and on the blog page soon. We're praying God will use this event to reach out to other couples in our church that are in our age group and are not yet involved in a LJG.
Promoter News

Nicaragua Mission Needs: Items are being collected for an upcoming mission trip to Nicaragua. Items include school supplies, jump ropes, hair bows & brushes, small toys, Spanish & English Bibles, or cash to sponsor a child. Give money to Arvil and leave other items in the designated boxes at the Children's Welcome Desk.
GA & RA Recognition Service: TONIGHT at 6:15 pm. Come encourage these boys and girls!

Scholarships: Scholarships are needed for the upcoming summer camps and mission trip. If you can help financially, please designate the funds "Youth Scholarship" on the memo and place in the offering plate or turn in to the church office.

Married Adults
VBS Needs: Sweet and non sweet treats are needed for the teacher's break room for VBS. Nut free snacks are desired, due to allergies. Bring items to the Fellowship Hall kitchen on Sunday, June 15 or anytime early in the VBS week, June 16-20. Good snacks provide a great way to show appreciation to our VBS staff of some 150 teachers and leaders.
  • Paper towel tubes are also needed. There is a box downstairs labeled for you to place the tubes in.
Atlanta Braves Weekend: September 6-7. Spend an incredible weekend in Atlanta with the family and watch the Washington Nationals take on the Atlanta Braves. Cost is $97 per person, double occupancy, includes on night's lodging and one baseball game. Meals are extra. Transportation will be your own vehicle. Only 25 tickets are available! Registration deadline is Sunday, July 27th.
Family Movie Night: Saturday, June 14 at 7 pm. We will be showing "Alvin and the Chipmunks" in the CLC. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. This is a FREE event!
Church-wide Picnic: Sunday, July 6 at Bur-Mil Park. More details soon.

Mark Your Calendar
New York Trip: November 26-29. Take a Motorcoach bus and enjoy the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade, a Broadway Play, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park and Christmas shopping in the city! Cost is $499 per person, double occupancy. The rate is adjusted for single, triple and quad rooms. Lodging will be at the Radisson Hotel in Carteret, NJ. Information and registration brochures will be available soon in the church office.
ALS Walk: In remembrance of Keith Wood, Keith's Krew will be participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS on Saturday, June 14 at Center City Park. Register online at or in the lobby at Keith's Krew Tables. You can support the team in several ways by doing one of these things or all three:
  1. Wear your Keiths' Krew T-shirt
  2. Collect donations
  3. Walk on June 14th
Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center: Pick up a baby bottle on Sunday and fill it with change, cash or check. This money will help make a difference in the lives of young mothers and fathers facing unplanned pregnancy. Bring it back to church on Father's Day, June 15. Bottles can be picked up from both first and second floor lobbies and in the Worship Center lobby.