- Thanks Jeremy for a great lesson today! The title of next week's lesson is: Carry Out God-Given Instructions. The background passage for next week is 1 Samuel 13:1-15:35. The lesson passages for next week are 1 Samuel 13:5, 7b-13b; 15:7-11, 22-23.
- Women's Bible Study Update: I've collected a lot of information from women who are interested in taking part in the class Bible Study. If you have not had a chance to sign up on Sunday mornings, please e-mail Melissa with dates and times that will and will not work for you to meet for the study. I will be contacting Donna Navey this week with all of the information to get the study going!
- Thank you to everyone who helped pull off Matt's party this past weekend. Thank you for keeping up with the changes, playing along and helping to make the SURPRISE a success!
Promoter/Church News
October 26: Parent/Baby Dedication
Married Adults
Operation Outreach: Sunday, October 5, at 4 pm in room 216.
Life Journey Group Leadership Training: Sunday, October 5 at 5 pm in the Chapel. The entire Class Leadership Team (teachers, outreach, in-reach, social committee & coordinators) will be a part of the LifePlus class.
Weekend to Remember: October 3-5 at Four Seasons. A 2 1/2 day marriage conference that teaches God's design for marriage and family. Register with the group code 10533 and save $80! Call 1-800-358-6329 or go to www.familylife.com/weekend.
Parenting 101 (The Journey with a Preschooler, Ages Birth - 4): October 25 from 9-Noon. Learn foundational issues in parenting that will set the tone for the rest of your child's life.
Fall Spectacular: Friday, October 31 is our annual Fall Spectacular! We need lots of volunteers to help with games, concessions, and the registration area. This is a great evangelism opportunity! Let Jimmy know if you are interested in helping.
Children's Choir: Sunday evenings at 5 pm
Preschool Choir: Threes- Room 144, Fours- Room 146, Kindergarten- Room 150
Kids Choir: Grades 1-5, Room 145
Middle School Choir: Room 318
Women's Ministry
WWW: Every Wednesday from 9-10 am in the Chapel for women of ALL ages. A new study just began: Genesis - Connecting the Dots from the Past & Present to the Future Middle East.
LifePlus Classes for Women: Women of the Bible is a devotional study of women in scripture led by Carol McKinney in room 366. Making Peace with your Past is a 12 week interactive support group limited to 8 women. It is led by Ellen Cochran in room 262.
The Candlelight Coffee: Friday, November 14 from 7-9 in the CLC. Tickets go on sale Sunday, OCtober 5 in the Worship Center Lobby.
Mark Your Calendar
Greensboro Life Chain: Hundreds of Christians will line the sidewalks along Battleground Avenue to silently pray for the church, our communities and our nation concerning the issue of abortion.
Please join in this holy privilege to express God's heart regarding abortion and to be a positive, effective witness to a culture that has become numb to the reality of abortion and the pain it causes women.
Participants may hold signs which state, "Adoption the Loving Option", "Jesus Heals and Forgives", "Abortion Kills Children", "Lord Forgive Us and Our Nation", and "Abortion Hurts Women". The message of these signs is powerful, but even more powerful is the opportunity we have as people of faith to come together in the unity of Christ to publicly repent and intercede on behalf of the unborn.
If you would like to participate, please sign up at the Life Chain table in the Worship Center Lobby. The Life Chain coordinator for the church will contact you about the exact location on Battleground.